Looking for a leader, and Teammates. EST

I’m in the US. EST.
Looking for some teammates to play with, but more importantly a leader! Someone who’ll use call outs appropriately, and knows the maps. I’m probably going to wind up ranking at bronze 5 in comp if I don’t get it together with a solid team with some serious communication.
Aaanndd my mic just broke, so it’s been even more difficult to find people to play with— I’m looking for someone with clear game sense as I would eventually like to rank higher if I can.
Also, I’m new to console, so it’s mad different, but I’m a decent player.

I can pretty much play any hero. I enjoy playing Ana, Kiri, or Zen sometimes… Ashe, Genji, Pharrah, Widow, or Hanzo… & DVA, Orisa, Junker Queen, or Sigma though I’ll go whatever if you think it’ll be better a move!!
If there’s anyone out there that like to play, and enjoys teaching or leading, or genuinely enjoys the game and wants to help, I’m willing to learn & capable to play well,
Starting in some aim training or unranked games right now, at least until I get better myself I suppose, then I’ll go comp…. I’m still not ranked yet. I’ve only played 3 games and lost 2. I need a leader to rally around!! Please help! I’m also poor do you won’t be payed for your services lol! Thanks in advance!
GLHF :grimacing:

I dont know if I am a leader but I play console and could play with ya.

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Hello there! ((Console-NA-EDT)) my bf and I are currently recruiting teammates who are interested in ranking up. He is currently (GLD 3-DMG-Soldier/pharah), I play (SLV 1-Support-Kiriko/Mercy) but we’re both flexible and can play all roles. My bf has the leadership aspect that you are looking for and can make good call outs. We understand what you’re going through with the frustration of solo queueing for competitive. Having a good, reliable team, with great communication can make all the difference!

I can definitely take some time in Quick Play to see where you’re at and provide tips and tricks. Feel free to add me! Xerapheth#1826

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That sounds great, I appreciate you! I’m actually surprised anyone even answered! My boyfriend is plat, but he gets frustrated with me lol we tried to queue for a game last week and they couldn’t find us a server for an hour so we just did Moira parkour & zombies lolol ! PLEASE, if would kindly add me? My tags: DeathLeagacy#11118 — I’m getting the error prompt from my account having too many requests, but can’t find where it is in “friends” to delete the requests!

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I can add you when I get on this evening. I believe the friend requests are in the “invitations” section under the social menu.

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@angrypillow Cool thanks! I appreciate it!! DeathLegacy#11118 add me!

before i reply,i am from Europe. I have a bit of knowledge on map geometry and strats,mainly just observing and listening to pro players and YouTubers. currently gold 4 on dps and gold 3 on tank,but would love to help out. Also am on PC so unless you also have that ,comp que is kinda not possible.

Add me maybe we can play sometime! Tabascotacos#1974
Can coach a little as well to help out if needed! I was mid plat season 6 i just haven’t played much comp since then! Looking to get back up there!!