Looking for a fun team to play with

My fiance and I play a lot of overwatch (well we used to) I’m starting to get back into it and I don’t have many friends. I’m ranked low gold but I mostly play arcade matches for fun. I play in the evenings and stream it to, so if you wanna watch me die alot before you decide to friend me you totally can!


im looking for more people to play with also add me MySteri0us#11890


I am also looking for someone to play with, i used to play with my gf but she cant play that much lately.

Just for your information I can join voice chat but English is my second language and I am still learning.

If you dont mind, you can add me below:
Id: AlexisDeWitt#1817
(just add me if you really want to play, sadly many people have added me but never reply/invite/accept invitation…)

Hey message me I game with a group of people and we play consistently and work hard to be inclusive and non toxic!

DerpyTheElf#1305 is my user name!

Hi hi!
I am looking for some people to play with too since I recently switched from ps4 to pc!
My tag is Ħirăeŧh#2502 :slight_smile:

what rank are you and which reigon are you in ?

I am down just add me Kalnazzar#1737