Long queues since new patch

There’s this new thing called wide match that causes 10-20 minute queues with friends. Instead of making everyone gain less points like any other game would do, they thought it’d be better to increase queue times to the point where it’s not worth playing together. Anyone think they need to rethink this change or what? Gonna kill the game even more tbh.


the queues are long because no one want to play tanks… because is tooo easy to hardcounter the enemy tank and dont let them play the game…

but blizzard is balancing the game just around 50% winrate/pickrate heros. xd


nah it’s strictly long because wide match ruined queues. no one will party anymore, killing their game

im getting matchs each 50 seconds on tank… diamond 2.


and are you queuing wide match with friends? Lol

The balance is atrocious and paired with Smurfs and cheaters along with people refusing to group up and people are collectively quitting.


I dont really know why they made previously possible groups into wide queue groups, but I guess if these groups were that common, theyre queue times wouldnt be so horrible. Maybe if they brought back LFG, group queue times would improve.

I’ve always had to play QP with friends anyway and I dont have any reason to change that.

They did both.
The thing, if there isn’t another group of the same range, there is nothing else they can do about other than letting you stomp.
You also already get less points even though that is not necessarily a good thing because you can keep stomping the same ranks indefinitely.

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Naah it was introduced to keep carries off general players’ matches and only to be matched against the same dynamic so as long as the matchmaking can’t find that another dynamic of low leveled carry account group for you to face it won’t put you in a match. It’s fair towards everyone that way

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Wide groups should just get match with a random wide group whichever is available no matter rank. But it should have negligible impact on rank progress win or lose. If you want to boost your bronze friend as a plat player, you will get matched with that gm duo.

OP is talking strictly about new grouping changes; solo queue matchmaking and wait times are a different issue.

I actually think that the wide match change is long overdue. The only other option would be solo queue only vs groups. And maybe that would be better. But the previous system wasn’t fair to solo queue players which is the majority of players.

The wide group queues are longer, but they are still working on making them shorter. There was a bug the first week or so making it virtually unplayable. And I believe now that bug is fixed.

I sympathize but we really need a system like this. They just need to keep tweaking the matchmaker to get wide group queue times lower.

I think the weirdest part is that some are reporting that groups that queued together last season are now considered wide, when it should be narrow. But I’m not sure how much that will change if it’s looking for another stack to put them against.

I’ve read some say that a solo queue should be able to choose to queue into wide to help queue times… but realistically, why would you ever do that? You would really have to hate yourself.

Why would you willingly queue into something that you are always going to be disadvantaged in and even if you do win, get no SR. The option wouldn’t hurt, but without heavy incentive ( and something actually meaningful, not 500xp on bp), I imagine it would go unused.