London Spitfire vs. Houston Outlaws - FINAL

Dante and Blase… for Linkzr and the other guy. That’s a win-lose. Win, you get Dante, lose you lose Linkzr

That middle caster said gay rather than game when talking about Houston’s ults and had to correct himself.

He got outplayed by every single Rein he played against so far. That’s just a fact.

Hell, I’m pretty sure I saw him shatter Orisa shield at full health.

Look at how well that went.

Not swapping out Muma? Do they not have another tank player?

Good Christ muma sucks. He is legit playing like a plat player.

Custa did? Well I mean when you say game, what is the first half of that sound? He probably was trying to get his words out too fast.

I wonder what that clutch Rein just walking out of spawn will do?

He wouldn’t be looking to shatter, would he? Nah, no way that will happen.

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even if he isnt doing great i’ll never hate him

Now both main tanks are playing badly.

Nope, go look at their roster, Muma is the only main tank.

Jmac is playing alright, with that shatter onto Muma, but he just got McDoomfisted

I as well never hate someone for doing poorly. But I do think he needs to be addressed if Outlaws actually are dedicated to winning. Either bench him, or give him extra coaching.

Okay Muma deserves to be crushed into oblivion for that.

What’d he do?

The little crouch spam over a sleeping Bernar.

Blase be carrying.

It’s giving the outlaws a hope. He probably shouldn’t do that because Jmac will shatter that hope out of existence because MUMA IS TRASH

Idk why they even put Linkzr as starter in the first place, when Blase is carrying the whole team.

well they arent dead yet, i’ll give them that, still thinking they lose overall though

The Attackers Advantage Rule eventually triggered there. Outlaws got it.