Login Queue - WTF Are They Doing?

@Enki This is why I never did or will other than buying the game for half off because they probably manage their money like their game, poorly.

I have to go swimming soon so I hope the servers are okay by then. Thanks for giving us such a good event though Blizzard. It’s appreciated.

They’ve nerfed Mercy so frequently that the servers are sick of it.


@Sinzh Lol first post to make me laugh today

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“just be patient.”?

bish i was patient when this happened on the first summer games, and then the halloween event, then winter wonderland, then chinese new year.

Need I go on?


Lol logged in before they shut down the servers for queue and I played Lucio ball. Such a mistake, I could’ve bought the D.Va skin and end with it.

Yeah same, queued for LB twice and got booted, so what can ya do but wait it out U_U

The classic case of greed … who needs more server power …

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I’ll just play tomorrow. It’s not like I don’t have other things to do. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Btw its the forth time this mode is around and still 99% of the playerbase don’t know how to play it. Also, ball interactions feel as wanky as ever.

I want a hamburger to forget about this pain.

Don’t bother waiting in the queue lines. I just waited twice in 8000 queue lines, and each time it ended with an “unexpected server error” prompting me to log in and begin the queue all over again.

Just wait till they retweet again saying servers are stable. No point to keep getting “An unexpected error occured.”

Poor guys, they are an indie company and dont have money to get more servers…

@DoctorLove oh they have the money, they just don’t care about the players, there a we want money only company I’m pretty sure
or there too lazy to fix problems

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Guess I’ll do something else until tonight.
Think they would learn…

10,000 people try to fit through the same door at the same time despite the building being large enough to hold them all.

“Why isn’t this door designed to fit all of us at the same time!”

When in reality the door is designed to fit the normal traffic flow. Not the entirety of the 40 story office building at once. It would be silly to build a door designed to fit every person inside the building at once.

Just as it would be silly to dedicate your servers to being able to log every player in at once when it would be a rarely needed feature that would siphon resources from other needed features.


As a follow up, Blizzard is still working to resolve this issue. If there are any new details it will be posted on their Twitter feed as usual:

Why don’t they just hold the event outside then? No need for doors brah. :kick_scooter:

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Stress eating is bad for you!