LOG IN LOOP Overwatch 2 - ERROR BN-563

Every time i try to log in to Overwatch 2, i usually get the error BN-563. but constantly stuck in the “log in loop”.
Is anyone else having this issue?? This is ridiculous at this point. I’ve exhausted any efforts to try and log in. The worst thing about this i already played one game. Can anyone help?


I have the same Problem and i cant fix it


same here, or it’ll put you on this log in loop where right after you log in it takes you back to log in again.


ok so i fixed the problem by switching phone number and keep doing it until it work, tried the second phone number again and again, then it worked. the first phone number was the number that it was getting looped on or having the BN 563 error. hopes this help.

I keep getting stuck in log in loop, i can’t put in another phone number. Keeps taking me to log in over and over and over

I have tried logging in on PC, Xbox, and switch none of them work for me. I was able to get in when a lot of people weren’t or got stuck in the que. Now I can’t play and my friends can?

I honestly have no idea whats going on. I hope they fix this soon, i’ve already played and now, NOPE

I am having the login loop problem also I feel I’m never gonna play overwatch again and also have played about 20 games before this happened someone help

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same here. i just want to play the game

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I can’t understand how the devs aren’t acknowledging this issue…


I fix it. Maybe it’s works only for me, but game not showed in battle.net
Still, i have “unnoun game” in downloads. And there “update” , now it’s works

has anyone been able to find a fix to this yet?

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