King’s row on defense in the beginning is pretty rough.
15s is a pretty long time tbh. Most of my deaths as tank happen in like 2 frames.
My best friend keeps pulling me in MR since it’s such a hot game right name, playing MR is kinda hot-sh*t. OW is a better gaming experience imho, since MR feels like too much of a team deathmatch.
As it is right now, OW2 is trying to make tanks into fat dps (which I don’t like) – I hope OW2 continues its clear delineation between tanks, dps and support. I get tired playing MR with friends, and every once in a while I wanna play OW2 just to get a decent tanking/support experience.
Mahvel is more about playing DPS. I always knew that it would be. They pre-nerfed tanks because they were afraid of GOATS and the triple support Boogeyman has surfaced. No idea how or if they plan to address that. I find that playing tank is thankless and playing support is living out some sort of masochistic kink. For real, though. You might genuinely need to channel that to enjoy the experience.
So, what’s a Giga Chad to do? I will simply tell you to live your life long style. Reed Richards, baby! You can be an all powerful duelist while tanking temporarily. It’s genius. All of the benefits of being a tank with none of the downsides.
You might enjoy him. His big boi form reminds me of Reinhardt. Big damage. Someone told me they would never add a vanguard that could kill squishy targets in three swings. Well… I guess they were correct. It never needed to be a vanguard. Fantastic!
Pretty much.
Hmm, yeah, I’ll try that.
I do very well on Iron Man and Black Panther, which is kinda boring. I tried Luna, and she gets focused once she takes a flank, ugh. I’m also thinking of doing Black Widow, really simple game play.
Now that I’ve tried it for a couple of hours, Tokyo is a nice map, some of the other maps I’ve played is miserable, the art doesn’t click.
I’m still playing OW for Rein, as usual, lol.
Icing on the cake is when you mostly get selfish DPS supports as teammate with low heals that make you not able to make space or able to dive. But you can’t call them out or ask them for more heals because… “I can play how I want”. alt F4 for me after that.
Yep, don’t need players like this in my team anyway. Gigachads respawn a few seconds later and learn from their mistakes.
Enjoy getting stunlocked for 10 seconds straight in MR
Why do people do this? They’re hanging on the spawn doors like there is a limited black friday deal on 70inch tv’s on the other side. Then they get instagibbed by prefire spam.
Or they W the fastest path to choke and get hit by prefire spam from 5 people.
As Sun Tzu said “It is better to wait 2 second in choke then 10 second in spawn”
Masochist*. Sadists like inflicting suffering, masochists like receiving.
For a moment I thought OP described playing CS2. Where it’s often “peek corner, get instakilled by AWP/AK headshot/etc.”
Thats nice. The majority doesn’t but I am sure that doesn’t matter to you or you’ll go “what majority” when evidence is literally in front of your face where ever you look.
That’s right haha, either way playing this game is not good for anyone’s wellbeing because it is not fun to play.
All the fun is being sucked out of playing tank by Ana smurfs on alt accounts, players who are top 500 whose intent is to ruin low ranked games, and make the game as unfun as possible.
I beseech Blizzard to address this hidden wave of seasoned players ruining the fun out of the low ranked base.
You do know there is a lot of crowd control ( Including sleep ) in MR right?
OP also prob never really experience seeing a tank absolutely CC to heck and back in MR proper.
Even exploding tanks is also a possibility in MR in that time frame with enough concentration of fire.
Literally why I have left overwatch. Tired of that hero. She single hanndedly ruins an entire role for me. I give up. I’m done dealing with her.
Yeah, I’ve only played this game for something like 2000 hours, so what would I know, right? (and it’s actually probably even been more than that. I’ve probably played just kings row for 2k hours, lol)
… or maybe because tanks have higher health pool and are fundamentally designed for confrontational engagements which makes them bigger targets for all of the ridiculous and unfun CC abilities in the game, not to mention their larger hitboxes
So fun fact about tanks, you don’t actually need to stand Infront of the whole enemy team.
You can use LOS breaks, including barriers you place to effectively isolate a target into a 1v1 sort of a deal.
You really don’t need to be were the enemy can just repeatedly pound you with CC.
Then we have that can take opportunities to just hold DM and missiles on a target. So if like ana is low you can just deny her use of her cooldowns and kill her.
Then we have that can take opportunities to just hold DM and missiles on a target
OP is a hog one trick