Load ow, queue tank, start game, die in 15s, alt-f4, load MR

I played dps…got rolled in 3 secs (by the tank)….and didn’t blink an eye…because why would I…I die many times per game…have been doing so for years…

Y’all complain too much :sweat_smile:


People need to stop posting their current opinion of OW in one or two games. Every game can be terrible and you might just be in the wrong place. Play 10 games and then say something, otherwise just dont bother. I have zero reason to play OW, no matter what the balance currently is.

Ana is still the same, Widow is still a problem and MM is completely dogwater. Currently make my way up to plat in rivals, aka now the top 10% of the playerbase. Its such a blessing that everyone has to start in bronze. To put them in the middle and hope people fall down or climb is stupid.

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The community here is so toxic. Man I dont wonder why this game is dying. Shame all of you! Instead of saying him the truth, that this kind of play happend to all of us, its called unlucky gameplay, sou all attacked him! Really shame you all people!


“I’m making minimum wage and I can make it work in this economy” dumbass take.

Oh… oh dear. That’s rough. A LOT happened to you there, none of it good.

Sometimes everything just goes badly all at once. ‘Skill’ doesn’t really factor into those moments, only what you do afterwards.

Unfortunately we will never know what you would have done because you peaced out afterwards. But that’s not a ‘skill issue,’ you were just instantly burned out on the experience and went elsewhere.

What can I say? Playing tank is hard.

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OW can be frustrating, but I still think it’s a better game than Rivals. And I do like Rivals.

Ana’s kit is full of nonsense that high level players call “well designed”. She has a six second stun ability, and a better Junker Queen ult on a 10 second cooldown, because it heals her team too. “Well designed” indeed.


its more like stun, sleep, anti’d, now u gotta fall back, engage again, stun, sleep, push, pull, repeat

miserable either way

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Over the space of 18 months or so I’ve taken a break twice for 2 weeks and 3 weeks. But I did those deliberately as planned breaks. I’ve also played DPS instead of tank for 1-2 weeks at a time for a little break.

I always knew I would come back and didn’t knee-jerk uninstall. Let’s face it, there was no real alternative. But now that there is, and I’ve been playing a bit of both, I’ve found that I’m nowhere near as constantly frustrated in MR as I am when playing OW. I finish a session of MR and don’t feel worse at the end of it than at the start, even if I lost a lot of games and some of them were just stomps.

OW is now, for me, at the point where I almost dread starting a session and I know I’ll be in a lot worse mood when I finish. Often I sit down at the weekend with 3 hours to spare and stop playing after 2-3 games. I think that, finally, OW has become more trouble than it’s worth. Which, for me, is sad, as I enjoy playing heroes like Hog and sometimes Zarya and Sigma and soldier and cassidy, but only 1 game in 10 or 20 is actually fun to play now.

I may return depending on how MR evolves and how OW evolves. But in its current state, OW just isn’t fun anymore for me.

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That’s literally never happened to me, but okay buddy, sure.

You can’t switch characters in OW? This is news to me

If you wanted to peek and see what they had, you could’ve used rein, walked out and checked, then gone back and switched to whatever counters them. You know, GIT GUD

Your complaint is literally “I uninstalled OW2 because I am bad at OW2.” But, that’s good. MR is a lot easier, you should probably stick with that game. I don’t think OW2 is for you.

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It’s not only not fun, but no matter how hard you try to win few before you log off- you end each gaming session like this. I think I might also move to MR cause at this point I just can’t try to look at the bright side anymore
5 stomps in a row ( can’t even leave spawn to try out new heroes), trashtalking people not getting banned and long loosing streaks, someone switching to soldier to hack… Good if once in 10 games someone will type gl hf at the beginning…

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It pulses and makes noise.

You got outplayed, that’s all.

I main JQ and getting slept is not the end of the world.

I main tank in 5v5, and Ana doesn’t annoy me as much as Bapt or Kiri.


In this situation you would have died to Mei’s wall aswell. (if they had one)

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don’t believe lazydragons story because it sounds a bit too on the nose for the same 3 heroes he always complains about

but playing tank into zen/ana is so miserable

i mean the same thing happens in that other game, moreso sometimes in my experience lol

especially coming out of that attack convoy map in that god loki city whatever its called, i remember someone walking out of the door only to get instagibbed lol

the whole team getting teamwiped in the first 5 seconds :laughing:

If the enemy is hitting everyone of those, every time you engage.

You might just be doing something wrong my guy.

As like even in MR, your going to get hit by those same mechanics back to back if your not taking account the enemy position.

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I’ve been having fun going through each MR hero and playing several games of them to see which ones I like the most.

Screw OW and its community who subsequently caused the game to be as awful as it is today.


The real funny thing is expecting to go to MR and not have the same exact thing happen. If you explode in 5v5 OW tank, then you explode way faster in MR.

The saving grace is you are more likely to player other people who suck more than you for not hiivng played something like OW before in MR and being able to use your OW knowledge to gain advantage over MR players.

Imagine that…

Anyway my head hurts

I’m not going to say screw overwatch. Because I actually like playing the game

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I did the same exact thing today, except for the part where I loaded up Overwatch. I just booted up Mahvel. I guess that’s not the same thing at all…
