Lmao, this is getting ridiculous

yes but difference is a smart and a dumb complain

yet nobody plays support, despite having “strongest abilities and ults in the game”

Because it’s not a flashy role. DPS are more fun to play for the majority, that doesn’t mean they always decide the outcome of the match. A good tank and good supports are what holds a team together.

That’s funny! I have the opposite issue where they won’t DPS anything so they die the second anything gets into the backline!

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I’ve seen that as well. Specifically the Mercy who goes for the rez like a bot instead of pulling out their pistol to kill the enemy dps I left at 5hp.

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And take the most abuse.

Why didn’t you heal me while I was 200 yards away behind 2 walls facing the entire enemy team?!


I’m so over it I’m going back to DPS and turning all chats off. Heal yourself.

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Ram does need to be looked at though.

His ultimate has a glitch where you just dont get the ultimate.

Nooo not Ram! He’s only been out for like…a month or two?

Though I do think the ult should have a hard cap at like 6s. And no speed boost.

His little orbs should have a better visual I think, it’s hard to see them to aim. (I know they’re little! It’s just hard to shoot people…)

The vortex is nice as chip damage but doesn’t do anything against aerial units or those using movement abilities it seems. It either needs to hard stop all movement abilities or lock people inside for the duration. Not both but also not neither. It’s almost useless as it is now.

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I like the uniqueness of infinite timer.

Blocking while ulting should pause the damage though.

great, yet people are so tied to winning a game, yet they play the “weakest role”

definitely, his ult is too good at area control, better than Dva ult in some cases…

Pls rework YourGuardian
It’s too op getting at the truth of the forumers mind

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“I value truth - and barbecue.”

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