LIVE STREAM (Facebook) - OhNickel with Jeff Kaplan - (Old post)

That’s like the only feature we’ve been looking forward to. I’m kind of over Overwatch at this point.


While it would be cool to have an innovative guild/clan system, I don’t know if it were done like in some MMOs, what the great thing about them would be.

Other than seeing who’s online to play with, but the friends list already gives you that much. It’s better if they take their time thinking of a system that will actually make the game better.

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I never heard of Caffeine. Now I’m curious. :blush:

And fair enough. His twitch channel hasn’t been touched for the past 2 years it seems.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

Okay guys, I have stopped watching for now. I think they are now done with questions with Jeff. I might check back later to see if things changed, but I think we got the bulk out of what we are going to get out of him.

Once this live stream is archived on Facebook I will try to get information updated and posted in the dev post directory as soon as possible.


“No reworks coming”
Poor Symmetra…


So, that omnic at the end is the new hero I am guessing?

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Is he talking about hammond highlight intro?
Or is it actually a skin
edit: anniversary isn’t uprising lol


Really need a name or gonna assume he is this…

And enough tanks that i don’t feel like i have to reach into the dps pool to do the role sometimes.

So… theater mode confirmed?

Wreck-it-Ralph Doomfist skin, incoming. You heard it here first, kids!


Shirtless Reinhardt, at last!


If you mean the replay system and OWL viewer? Then most likely, it was supposed to be ready for this OWL season.

Since Guilds/Clans were denied, the only other hotly requested feature that could change the game is a replay system…

Either that or a map editor, but people stopped clamoring for that after Year 2?

Just give us 2-2-2 jeff. This event isnt going to ‘save the game’. We need the GAME IT SELF to be fixed.

The pitfalls of 2-2-2 could well finish the game off.

I mean, players can’t even decide why they want it. That makes it a huge gamble.


You missed out where he said he is very pro the idea of Mama Hong.

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Yeah I think that was a bit trolling to be honest.

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Because I dont want hero’s ruined for the sake of 3-3 balance that 99.9% of the population doesnt play.

Because I dont want 5 dps comps.
