Live Service Changes

Remember when the devs said that they would be able to push updates to the game quicker because OW2 is a free-to-play live service?

-Eichenwalde has been unplayable for 2 weeks because of lighting glitches

-Mei will be gone for 2 weeks

-Torbjorn was gone for 2 weeks

-Bastion was gone for 2 weeks

-Junkertown was gone for a week

-Junkertown has ANOTHER FPS bug on it

-Balance update is still a week out

-Sojourn will see no changes until season 2 (she was a must-pick in Overwatch League and on live servers)

-Doomfist is still a throw pick

-Junker Queen still sucks

I’m glad promises are being kept

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They are most certainly keeping promises. One of them being make sure OW2 sucks and make us ask for the original back.

Don’t forget ‘map pools’ removing a good portion of the maps in the game. With the removal of 2CP maps, we have less maps in play than we used to.

i remember that blue poster saying there will “many skins” in the future! i think he forgot to say that they want us to open our wallets :rofl:

sad thing is new players probably will…

Yup, that got broke, they are fixing it. Shouldn’t be a problem after December 6th.

Bill Warnecke, Why Hotfix Balance Patching took till Dec 12

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