Live-Coaching makes this Gold Hanzo look like a smurf (Video)

Sorry for the clickbait title, but ya know. Anyway.

I normally do vod reviews on youtube, however, after seeing live coaching become very helpful in league of legends, I figured I’d try it in Overwatch. In this video, my gold Hanzo/Soldier friend screenshares on discord and I’m in her ear barking commands and callouts, hopefully explaining the thought process behind what I’m saying.

If anyone has any questions about what I’m saying, questions in general, or wants a vod review/live coaching session, let me know. Thanks in advance yall :slight_smile:


Good educational stuff Nick :slight_smile:

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Isn’t that as bad as stream sniping? People have been banned for that kind of cheating. Did Professor X get paid before/after the live mindwalk I mean boost. Thx Geppetto for your marionette montage.

Hey receipts. Im not stupid to fall into your trap haha, troll someone else who hasn’t been here before.


i remember there were apps that would monitor your game and provide ingame real time callouts and blizzard had them banned.
i dont know about now though since all forms of cheating seems to be ok.


That was, yes, that program got banned. I dont think discord screensharing while giving advice falls into the same category.


lol i would say its worse!


To each their own then :slight_smile:


no you are delusional and wanting to rationalise your cheating. what other sport or game allows the coach to talk to the player during the live game. real coaching takes place in between games and during specific agreed timeouts. what you are doing is cheating.


football, coaches have a headset that can talk to the quarterback and defensive captain depending on who’s on the field but go off

not to mention ya know basketball? Do you really not notice the coaches barking at their team during the game while the “live game” is going on? They’re doing the exact same thing as any live OW coach is.

We’ll see if he continues to rationalize his “all cheating is allowed and encouraged by the game now” mindset.

Edit: Close he reverted to the “everyone who disagrees with me is shilling for the ded/meme game” while adding a new one with calling someone a chat bot before running off with fingers in their ears screaming “INTEGRITYYYY”.


Was just about to use this example. The only difference between the two, is that in the NFL, the QB cant communicate back to the coach, but if you watch my video, my friend barely talks back to me anyway.

Ah, delusional. Everyone’s favorite buzzword when someone disagrees on ehre.



According to you, a random on the forum? That’s not relevant. Blizzard doesn’t think its cheating. I’m chillin.


Careful or he’ll hit you with the “they clearly allow and encourage you to cheat”

I am very afraid. I will be very careful next time. I am deeply sorry Lord Rei!

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Are you kidding me? I guess my brother standing behind me when I play giving me tips is cheating too right? What is he doing is not cheating at all.


Next time think twice about posting that kind of videos here. People here do not want to see anything that has to do with any kind of improvement in Overwatch. Every single topic about improvement falls on deaf ears. My last topic got 2 replies only while topics about bad teammates, smurfs and matchmaking conspiracies get over 300 replies.

It only tells you about the kind of crowd populating these forums. People do not want tips of any kind. You know how there are those anti-vaxxer people or people who say that COVID does not exist? Well the same can be applied to people here only in terms of Overwatch. Tinfoil hats, conspiracy theorists etc. Worst part is that you will get those people in your matches, and if so happens that there are no smurfs in that particular match and they still lose, they will blame you for it.

Thank you for posting the video. I will check it out and will definitely ask questions if needed.


This, unfortunately people are extremely sensitive about their rank. Instead of owning that “I’m a gold player” and competing in the gold bracket until they improve enough, a lot of players desperately want to be plat/diamond/masters to the point where they will cheat and/or befriend smurfs and boosters because they don’t care how they get to the next rank or if they “earned” it. They just want the shiny icon. They don’t want to be about competing in the gold bracket and practicing along the way, they just want that promotion, no matter what it takes. It’s like if a baseball prospect just wanted to be promoted to the MLB for free, no matter how much they improved individually. They’d be blaming their teammates for the double A team losing and saying that’s why they aren’t in the MLB roster, while barely batting .270.

It’s the same reason why in gm and maybe masters games they’ll organize a draw if there’s a hacker in the lobby but in lower ranks than that? The team with the hacker usually just wants the free sr. Same goes for people smurfing on their team or throwing on the other team. Sure the team that loses will throw a fit and likely report them, will the other team do anything? Most of the time, no they won’t they just want the free SR so they can get that promotion as fast as possible.


That’s fine for me if people hate on it. The way I look at it, i have the option to post it here, and maybe help a few people, or I can post it no where to avoid hate. I’d rather help the few people and deal with the hate.

I appreciate you checking out the video btw, and i like your mentality a lot.

Hey “HeyZeus” btw, you make a lot of sports references, what’s your favorite NFL team.


Steelers, also known as “weekly heart attack” the team.

Spurs for basketball and Angels for baseball, also known as “we have a chance this year right?” the teams.

Bengals fan here. Unfortunate.

You think that’s bad? My entire girlfriend’s family are browns fans.