Literally 1 group in LFG

Keep refreshing, they come and go. But it lingered at 0-1 groups for a good 5 minutes solid. I took several screenshots in case no one believes!

Hahaha. Imagine judging the state of the game by how many people are using LFG?

Nobody cares about LFG, mate. Well, very few do. Very precious few.

Imagine worrying about balance without a working LFG, 12 minute queue times, and pathetic ranking/matchmaking? I’d like to play the game at all before I care about some 1% meta.

I don’t have to imagine it. Balance is 1000x more important than a nearly useless, out of date feature like LFG.

And I’ve never had a 12 minute queue time. Literally never. lol

Also, if you want a bad matchmaker, go play TF2. :stuck_out_tongue: I like the game, but holy crap it’s bad in that department.

So if I screenshot these things and post them, you’ll send me cookies?

No, mate. What I’m saying is with around 1,600 hours played, it’s never happened to me. Can’t be too common then can it? You talked about it like it’s the norm.

You can set filters and chose your mates by looking at their profiles or what ever. Quite many obvious differences but hey,… you wouldn’t have an argument to complain otherwise.

And I have 3000 hours played and a whole folder of screenshots for whenever it happens. It happens all the time (recently). NA East / PC btw.

NA East / PC right back at ya! lol

Guess you’re just super unlucky.

It means people are using the system?

Edit - 9 -> 12

That’s what I had in mind when I was originally pitching the idea of Role Queue.
✅ [Role Select] Finalizing this concept


On the right track but I wonder about choice paralysis. And “join both” seems redundant next to unlocked.

Most of the “legitimate” LFG are usually missing a tank or two anyway. It’s basically a LFTank queue when it’s not about memes, deranking, and boosting.

Calls the game dead while looking at a feature that literally 5 people used even when it was first introduced.

Real smart guy here.

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I mean, yeah. But to be fair I posted this in February 2019. Before Jeff even mentioned the idea of Role Queue.

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We should have gotten some kind of LFG2.0 before RQ :frowning:
It’s meant to be a team game, not a jailcell of wait times and lootbox bribes.

My sentiments as well. The OP is making zero sense.

I actually had that as a feature in my animated mockup, check the button on the bottom right.

✅ [2-2-2] Putting RoleQ into Quickplay

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It’s a percapita indicator. If 30k people watch OWL, how many are actively online playing? It should be many times more than viewer numbers, right? Same goes for LFG. It should reflect some % of active playerbase. Even if LFG is detestable, do you really think 80,000 online active players reduces to 4-5 LFG at any one time?

Something doesn’t add up.

The feature isn’t needed.

That is all.

Yeah people didnt want to use the LFG and this is what we got:

  • Longer queues (except for tanks)
  • More split playerbase
  • More uneven matches SR wise

But hey, RQ and forced 222 was a “total” success. Clearly the “vast majority” agrees … even theres no stats/facts to back that up and reality points otherwise.

Cool :sunglasses: