Literal Bias Towards Mercy. (PLEASE READ)

Which is a simple irrefutable truth that none of you can ever overcome.

You cannot have a support A that requires zero mechanical skill outperform a support B that requires a lot of mechanical skill. It’s not logical, everyone that wants to win will pick support A because it’s a 100% consistent, that’s an absolute constant. Whereas support B has a variable to be effective. This is bad balancing, and it’s an irrefutable point.

Nice try to do character assassination though.

I am very dissapointed in the fact that you just basically invalidated all my efforts to get to the rank i’m at. It hurts me that you think it was easy. I’m going to stop replying to you because you clearly dont know anything about the topic


Lmao are you smoking something

Anas winrate has been around 45-46 winrate on all ranks compared to mercy who always used to sit at 51-52 winrate

Ana was worse than mercy even on grandmaster where Ana I supposed
To be the best

Now mercy is better on most ranks while Ana is better at ranks above diamond


That was when Mercy was OP. im talking about the mercy we got in january

Ana is better from platinum up, how is that mercy better in “most” ranks?

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And that was never intended balance wise.

Also, Mercy was a throw pick for a few seasons, which lead to the invincibility change on rez.

I never said aiming with Ana was easy. I said that aiming for healing isn’t that hard.



acting or done in the same way over time, especially so as to be fair or accurate.
“the parents are being consistent and firm in their reactions”

Idk, sounds like Mercy’s healing is consistent to me.

Tell me how standing still for 2 seconds is fun. Tell me how having all your power shoved into one boring ability is fun.

Doesn’t mean it’s not unfun to play against.

Which thing are you talking about? Because GA definitely relies on teammates’ positioning.

You mean, the place where they never even played with the 50 hps Mercy?

What statistics?

Of what? Valkyrie winning a fight?

What about them?

And yet no sources for any of these claims.

50 hps can be easily outdamaged by nearly any dps. Have a team co-ordinate and focus one person at a time, and Valkyrie is completely nullified. 30% damage boost means that she just becomes a weaker Orisa ult. She also becomes a massive glowing target, and unless the enemy team aren’t running any hitscan heroes, flying is just a death wish.

But they aren’t all fun to play.

This is a game. It’s supposed to feel fun.

Fun is an important factor in games though. Otherwise, Mercy would never have been reworked.

What evidence?

Never said she was. I was just saying that she shouldn’t be garbage tier because she’s low skill.


A bit uneducated? Have you been following OWL or any pro play in particular? Are you denying that Mercy was an absolute must-pick for the past 6 or 7 months?

Mercy has never been a troll pick, I’ve been playing the game since beta, don’t make stuff up please. Ana was only dominant for 2 seasons at the highest of competitive play, for all the rest Mercy was still the most popular pick. The last two seasons Mercy has absolutely dominated across all competitive tiers.

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Yes even January mercy she was still above 50% winrate while Ana was still around 45/46

Mercy was better than Ana, you’re lying if you believe Ana was better


yes mercy had a 50% winrate in january, which was good and ana was NOT around 45/46 CHECK OVERBUFF FOR GOD"S SAKE

I just think mercys kit need to expanded a bit more. give a her an ability similar to zens but instead the target does less damage (i saw it in one million mercy suggestion threads), for a character that is healing 80% of the time 50hps is pitiful so give her an ability to boost her healing to at least 75hps for few seconds with a long cd on the ability so the mercy has to think when to use it. her ult is a very tricky problem either make her get it faster or revert to 1.0

She was, I used to check winrate all the time

Season 8 until season 10 Anas winrate was around 45 then after some buffs it went up to 47% which is better but still worse than mercy on all ranks

You make up false facts about Ana, she was f tier for several seasons until now


would 75 hps trump ana though? i dont want that to happen

Mercy absolutely was a troll pick before she got mass rez invulnerability. Before that, using mass rez was basically suicide, making mercy a throw / troll pick. And that was the beginning of making mercy too strong. They could have taken Invul away and given dmg reduction instead and a whole list of other tweaks to mass rez. But instead we got the awful rework we did and the eventual gutting of a character.


The past month filter still includes old data from before the nerf. You should not use it. The “this week” filter shows Mercy’s present win rate more accurately, which is 48.82%. Ana has a 50.01% win rate among all ranks.

While Mercy and Ana have similar win rates since the Mercy nerf as an average of all ranks, Ana’s win rate increases with SR significantly more than Mercy’s. Bronze players are pulling Ana’s average stats down really hard. Among competent players Ana out-performs Mercy in the current patch by a huge margin.

Mercy’s win rate is below 50% in all ranks, and she is literally the only hero in the game with a win rate below 50% in GM, while her pick rate continues to trend downward. There has been another significant drop since Season 12 began.

There is a noticeable gap between Mercy’s performance and the performance of every other support hero. She is not okay. She was balanced, if dull, with 60 hp/sec healing. Her win rate pre-nerf was hovering right at 50%, with a tendency to stay just barely above that mark. She originally was buffed from 50 to 60 hp/sec after Ana’s release because she simply couldn’t keep up without a whole lot more healing than Ana could put out over the course of a game, and it was the only thing still keeping her afloat with her almost completely stripped-down Valkyrie kit.

Have a look at the Primary stats tab on Overbuff. Mercy used to be on top for healing, which made up for her almost total lack of damage, eliminations, and objective kills. Now, Moira takes the crown of best healer, while also providing the most elimination contributions and the second-best damage done.

You can run Mercy and still get decent success, the same way you can often win in a low stakes betting game that favors the house. You may not be guaranteed to lose by picking Mercy, but it’s still a better choice to avoid her right now.


no its on pair with ana

Or you can learn how the game works.

You see, Overwatch is a class-based game with 28 heroes but only 6 slots on the team. Players are meant to choose which hero to use for each slot based on what that individual hero brings to the game. Heroes have more or less equal power levels overall, but since each hero has unique abilities there will always be situations where one is more useful than the other. For example, some heroes might contribute only steady healing therefore do the most heals over time, while another might have a more complex kit that does less healing but also contributes very powerful CC, burst heals, and debuffs during teamfights.

A skillful player will utilize each hero’s unique strengths in situations where their strengths shine. In order to get the absolute best performance possible, it is not enough just to learn the ‘easiest’ hero or ‘hardest’ hero–they have to learn all the heroes.

A bad player will just want one hero to be better at everything because ‘muh aim.’


i would love to play alot of heroes but i dont have the PC power, internet connection of time to sit all day learning new things :confused:

Evidence please. Mercy has never been a troll pick ever, this is blatantly wrong statement.

My point still stands, Mercy doesn’t require to aim at all. Zero mechanical skill.

It isn’t consistent (being consistent implies a level of uncertainty is possible), it’s an absolute constant, there’s no way for you to miss with Mercy.

Fun is not an argument when it comes to balance. Fun is subjective.

Again, fun is irrelevant.

The tracking part.

The place where Mercy was an absolute must-pick for months and other supports were simply not viable.

Have you not watched any OWL for the past 6-7 months? :rofl:

All points that are wrong. If Valkyrie can be ran in OWL where the best hit-scans in the world are playing, your point is invalid.

Fun is irrelevant again. Fun has nothing to do with balance. If Mercy isn’t fun to you, play something else.

We are talking about balance - balance is based on statistics, facts, evidence, logic.

And she is not. :rofl:

I’ve played Mercy quite successfully in Season 1-3, without any issue. Mass Rez required no LoS meaning you can quite successfully hide and pull it off without even being seen by the enemy team. You guys have a really short memory :rofl:

Precisely my point. There shouldn’t be a hero that is so OP and over-tuned that it literally outshines all other supports, it’s a must pick and works in every situation which is what Mercy was up until this point.

There is no point in learning a hard hero when a low skill hero does the same or better. You are literally proving my point with that statement and my very original argument which you cannot refute.

i read the topic title as liberal bias towards mercy and i was confused


Well, then, it’s a good thing Mercy doesn’t do the all same things Ana does, and never has. Does Mercy have a 5 second stun ability? Does she prevent the enemy team from getting heals? Does she burst heal? Does she apply damage reduction to her teammates?
Then “low skill hero doing the same or better” is a made-up problem.

And honestly, “my very original argument which you cannot refute?” Is your skin orange by any chance?