Literal Bias Towards Mercy. (PLEASE READ)

Ehh, I’m sure those low winrates were all from LOSER CASUALS and not Mercy mains (glorious master race).

I mean, its not like there are many Mercy mains. Barely ANYBODY has ANY idea how to use this complex and complicated character, I’m sure shes just too skillful for them to use properly.
The rework was a success.

(This is SATIRE. Mercy seems to have a lot of ‘Mains’. When a character that is this popular still has a negative winrate, AND has an on fire rate of TWO FRIGGING PERCENT? Yeah)
‘The rework was a success’


Well across all ranks Mercy still shares the lowest winrate in the game with roadhog and still has the lowest winrate of all supports across all ranks

Not having high skill heroes as the only viable heroes in the game?

Her aiming for healing isn’t that hard (unless you’re trying to hit a double jumping Genji who’s halfway across the map while you’re unscoped). Biotic grenade is debatable. Nano straight up doesn’t require mechanical skill.

She trades strong healing for consistency.


But feels absolutely trash to use and play against.

That relies on her teammates’ positioning, and she’s very easy to track during it.

Literally just focus firing one target completely nullifies the healing’s value. The damage boost makes her a budget Orisa ult. The best part of it is probably the infinite ammo, because at least you feel like you’re contributing something when you kill people.

(calling valkyrie strong is just laughable, I mean you are delusional if you think valkyrie is strong)

Every hero should be viable.

Ok? And? No-one wanted OP Mercy.

Ok? Doesn’t mean she doesn’t feel like absolute garbage to play, and doesn’t mean she should be in garbage tier just because she’s ‘low skill’.


Idk if im using this ultimate wrong, PLEASE tell me in any way shape or form is valkyrie strong? PLEASE TEACH ME PLEASEE!!!

The bias started when they removed mass-rez instead of tweaking it further. Pick and winrates also need some context and shouldnt be the only factor of balancing a game.


I mean i guess you’re right about the winrates thing

I’m looking at Overbuff right now using the past month filter (which is when the support changes went through) and currently Mercy has a 49.3% winrate, which isn’t the lowest, across all ranks.

I dunno. Is 49.3% really that bad? I mean, that’s your basic real world coin flip. Are we looking at different stats? Because 49.3% isn’t something to scoff at, that’s relatively good. Ana only barely beats her with 49.7% winrate, I mean we’re coming close enough that these stats could switch if Ana or Mercy mains just didn’t play for a few days and let randos pick them up.

So, I’m failing to see a problem. What I see is that all the supports have basically within a 3% winrate margin of each other, with the exception going to Brigitte – which even that makes sense, since Brigitte is a hard-counter to a whole comp so she’ll naturally be rolled out to successfully counter those types of comps and get some wins, plus she’s just an easy access hero so she gets a lot of wins at low ranks.

It just seems to me that all the supports are… pretty viable, like all of them. You can run Mercy and still get decent success, and the numbers back that up.


Well, Mercy has been a must-pick, consistently having the highest pickrate of all supports for now 12 seasons? So I don’t see your point at all mate.

Please by all means, feel free to post a competitive game with you playing Ana if you think aiming with her is easy.

There shouldn’t even be an argument about consistency. It’s literally impossible to miss with Mercy. This isn’t consistency, it’s something that’s guaranteed to happen, it’s a constant.

Anecdotal point, not an analysis. It feels perfectly fine for me and a number of people to use and to play against. It can be countered.

Objectively wrong statement, unless we are talking mid-diamond and above.

OWL, statistics, videos, professional players and a myriad of evidence support this claim, where’s your evidence that Valkyrie is weak?

Every support is currently viable.

“Feel”, nobody cares about feelings mate. I’m talking logic, empirical evidence, facts. Mercy isn’t garbage tier, never was and never will be.

Watch any Pro play for the past 6 months mate.

Numbers don’t mix in with feelings. That’s their rhetoric, how it feels :rofl:


I have a 64 percent winrate with mercy. There are games i have to pick moira because healing is just not even close to enough. Even when i play mercy, the amount of suffering i do to keep my team up and juggle all the time while still making sure i dont get picked off and dove so just I can get an “ult” that i’ll be damned if i use as an ult and not an ability, just to get called no brain mercy main is pretty saddening though

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God forbid Mercy not being a must-pick and working in literally every situation. :rofl:

I have a 64 percent winrate with mercy and 500 hours on her, the pros are leaving her and not playing her. Even the die hard Mercy nerds and fanatics that know ALL about her. If you cant give me any info about how valkyrie is strong, I am going from my own gameplay which i know is pretty solid

Yeah, she is not an OP, must-pick in every situation hero. That’s a good thing :grinning:

Just admit, you don’t care about the hero’s balance or how the hero feels to people that play her. You just hate the hero.


Hahahaha what? :grinning: I don’t hate Mercy, I play Mercy myself. I just think it’s about time they did something about a hero that has been a must pick for the majority of OW population for now 12 seasons. Other supports should be viable as well, not just having Mercy every game for 2 years now.

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There are Mei one tricks, Reaper one tricks and tracer one tricks that although they don’t work in all situations, they are able to even work around their counters due to the fact that they’re hero is capable of doing so. there are also ana one tricks but only Mercy gets stigma for playing one hero. mhmmhm


The argument he’s making is that he hates Mercy and wants her to be garbage.

All of his other arguments must be extraneous because every time you counter them, he simply gives up and moves the goalposts to something completely unrelated.

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I don’t like one-tricks period, especially in a game of 28 heroes. Also that’s absolutely wrong. Play a one-trick Symmetra and see how fast you get reported and banned from the game. Play a one-trick Mercy and have easy climb to masters etc. What kind of argument is that? People were actually encouraged to play Mercy because of how OP she was, not the other way around. :grinning:

How is it fair that Ana has to put more work in to get the same or less than Mercy? I’m working harder, I should get more.

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You do realize, Mercy was a troll pick for the first 3 seasons, she became a better pick but still a bad pick fro season 4 and 5, only in season 6-10 she was pretty much meta. ana was meta from season 2-5 (still less than mercy which i agree) but yeah, the hero was not a must pick for 12 season. You sound a bit undeducated about the topic :confused:


Stop talking to it, ignore it >_>