Literal Bias Towards Mercy. (PLEASE READ)

But it is broken. It doesn’t require a Mercy main to see that.

Why would they have buffed the healing to 60hp/s last year? It’s because it wasn’t enough, and still isn’t enough, for a healer who’s damage output is on a secondary weapon.

Mercy has always been stated as the main single target healer. She was never supposed to have lacklustre healing because it would then imply that she should be shooting rather than healing, considering that ultimately would have more of an effect on the fight.

It is not “Objectively wrong”. Hide and rez was absolutely a bad a strat.

If Mercy goes to hide from the team fight, its a 5v6. Mercy’s team loses. The enemy team has a ton of ult charge now. Mercy flies in to rez all 5 teammates, but the enemy team has the positions advantage AND the ult advantage AND the first shot advantage. 5man rez was flashy and impressive and annoying. But it never actually won team fights. It only forcibly fed your team to the enemy for more ult charge. Good mercy’s almost never did 5 man rezes because of the above reasons. Very rarely was a 5man rez actually justified or needed. Good mercy’s almost always tempo rezed unless the enemy team wasted every ult they had on 5 people, leaving mercy with an extremely easy rez.

Because Ana was picked much more less , so one team have ana and the other didn’t have it because Mercy was more common.

GA Bunny hopping/mechanics would like to speak with you.

Also, in that case, then heroes like Winston and Reinhardt shouldn’t NEARLY have as much effectiveness as Zarya or D.Va!


Mercy was a troll pick until she received the buff to 60hp/s. Now that they’ve removed it she’s gone back to not being able to perform her role effectively enough. They gave her the wrong nerf and should of slapped res on a 2nd ultimate bar instead.

You don’t like Mercy, that’s fine. But don’t make up stuff.


Yeah, I’m sure the developers removed mass res because of feelings. :sweat_smile:

Yeah, let me refresh your memory.

Comparing tanks to supports is a false analogy.

What about GA?

Troll pick = hero is not viable. Mercy has never ever been a troll pick, please don’t make stuff up. Provide evidence that Mercy was a troll pick season 1-3 or you are purely making stuff up.

I’ve got nothing against Mercy, nice try at character assassination though.

Where are the statistics that prove Mass Rez to be unhealthy for the game? I’ll wait.

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If you’re going to bring up a broad argument of “Effecitve heroes with little/no mechanical skill are bad” I’m allowed to be broad and general with heroes, aren’t I?

The fact that it doesn’t exist in the game anymore is by virtue evidence alone :rofl: You know why? Because a sizable part of the community, the Pros and the developers all agreed that it’s an unhealthy mechanic and thus it was removed from the game.

Also again, let me refresh your memory:

I’m not bringing a broad example, I’m bringing a very specific argument based on what the original poster wrote. :rofl:

Let me refresh your memory what my original argument is:

This is irrefutable and basic logic.

Okay…waitwhat. That doesn’t change anything. Hide and rez was bad. That’s what I said. Its bad. It didn’t work. Yes, it happened A lot, but that still doesn’t change that it was just bad. And dumb. And pointless. And simply fed your team to the enemy. I’m pretty sure I already said that.

It also doesn’t change the fact that Hide and rez could have been fixed SUPER easily without a rework. It doesn’t change the fact that mercy was straight up d- tier before 60 HPS and invul rez. So I don’t really get your point.


Yeah, it sure didn’t work in Seagull’s games. Those guys are just bad, the players there are just average. :rofl:

If you really want every mechanical aim hero to be top tier and prized, I reccomend CS:GO. Or any other FPS for that matter.


This is not my argument, I suggest you re-read what I wrote.

I know it’s not, I’m just suggesting from a tangent, that’s all.

So what’s the point of that comment. :rofl:

Just making a suggestion, that’s all. No other meaning, just simply putting that out there for people to read.

What does that have to do with this convo? Atleast 5 people have given you real proof and states that mercy in 1-3 Pre 60HPS/invul rez was bad. I don’t watch seagull, I don’t care about seagull cause we’re not talking about seagull who doesnt even play mercy. Now maybe in 1-3 Seagull was playing with mercy’s at his own level that actually made good 5man rezes. but Most of the time good, in casual ranked where it matters, not top500/OWL 5man rezes simply didnt happen. Becauseitwasbad.

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What does it have to do? You claiming that it doesn’t work when it works in top 500 game. :rofl:

Anecdotal evidence and feelings and “not fun” is not evidence.

No it’s not.

Because people whined?

And that has nothing to do with statistics, but everything to do with feelings. People didn’t whine because there were statistics that proved Mass Rez to be OP. They whined because it felt bad to have their “skillful kills” undone by a “braindead healer”.

Ok, so what does this prove? I can provide countless sources of people tempo rezzing, and discussing how to tempo rez effectively.


No one gave you anecdotal and feelings. Like I said already 5 other people in this thread have agrue’d against mercy being any good in seasons 1-3 with Real actual states. Not feelings. No one in the casual / average player base played like top500. T500 make up the Smallest part of OW.