Literal Bias Towards Mercy. (PLEASE READ)

You don’t have anything mate. Hide&Mass Rez was a thing, provided you with plenty of evidence. The SR abuse is well documented. What have you got? :rofl:

Evidence please.

This is very well documented, sorry.

Personal attacks, ooohkay.

:rofl: Clearly you have no clue about how corporations work and how they need to phrase their statements.

Already addressed that.

Because it is PR…

Which means they support and standby the claim mass rez was a bad and unhealthy mechanic.

Fun and balance are two separate statements.

Not the case mate, been through this already.

We are talking about them, haven’t you been paying attention? :rofl:

Uh-lala, my reputation precedes me. You conveniently miss out that in my humorous thread I also requested for the megathread to be given back, something we both agree on. Makes sense, no?

:rofl: No, not because they have a discord group.

I don’t have an issue with them communicating off the forums. I’m making an observation that they do, which means that they can hive-mind the forums. Something that they denied for a long time until it was revealed :rofl:

They ignore it anyway and rightfully so. In the mean time, you continue to spam and that spam impacts negatively everyone else.

Here you go:

“Hahahahahahahah. A real life threat? It was a joke about his comment:”

“LMAO, a real life threat, ahhahaahhaahha. Hence my comment that it’s nice to know his permanent address. I’m not referring to his real life address :rofl: I’m literally in tears. The character assassination is just beyond me. You are literally proving everything I’m saying right in front of everyone’s eyes.”

This little stunt got me silenced until a moderator looked at the evidence and repealed the silence and proved me innocent.

Don’t think it has any issues, more importantly it proves a point. And that point is that it’s not anecdotal evidence but multiple people experienced harassment from the very same group.

I guess all the other people that up-voted it just did it randomly.

Hey you do it all the time, just simply going with your tactics. :rofl: The devs have more data that anyone period, and I would trust them over a Mercy one-trick any day.

Not surprised, the thread got falsely reported and a moderator had to step in. Your sub-group has an amazing track record of false reporting people.

Again, nice tactic to plug a sentence out and bring it without context. You guys literally do this silly tactic all the time. :rofl:

The original poster was comparing tanks to supports. You cannot compare a tank to support, it’s literally two entirely different roles. Nice try but context matters. The poster literally did the same silly thing you do - it compared Ana and Mercy to the interaction between Pharah and Junkrat. Which is basically flat out wrong, you have yet to refute my very original comment in this thread, an argument I have presented to you multiple times and you conveniently forget or pluck sentences out of context so you can “defeat” an argument I never make. :rofl: