Literal Bias Towards Mercy. (PLEASE READ)

Ana can PREVENT 5 people from dying, same thing basically my man. potato potahto.

speaking of, the only thing i do miss when it comes to mass res is that it punished dumb plays where a team would use up all their ults at ones…the ones that saved at least one for after mass res were frustrating af but awesome. most of the babies that were tilted by it were the ones that just wanna frag out without thinking, and they let you do that now, which is annoying…kinda as annoying as the amount of CC in the game right now, but that’s a whole other thing.

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There’s a huge difference between preventing 5 people from dying and bringing 5 people from the dead after the enemy has used up some ults. :rofl:

So what made it “unhealthy” aside from the fact that it hurt DPS feelings to get their kills reversed?

Inb4 “hide and rez”, which is not only exaggerated nonsense but was encouraged not only by the devs but pro players (like XQC) who literally told Mercys to hide for her Rez.

You’re the one who asked someone if they heard of PR, not me.

Don’t start whining now that someone’s called you out for not knowing about the subject you brought up.

“Don’t generalize right wing politics, but the fact that you disagree with me makes you an SJW.”

Thanks. I was trying to bait you into outing yourself as someone pushing their right wing nutjob agenda, and you just proved it.


lol people still crying about sjws? My god some people don’t know how to stop boning a chicken.

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Simple question:

What was Ana’s pickrate during this time?

As a follow up, what is Mercy’s current pickrate?

Saying 1 number is useless without context.

Oh man again, you guys are starting to repeat yourself at this point.

Here, let me refresh your memory:

Also the Mercy SR abuse is well documented.

Feelings? Never talked anywhere about feelings amigo.

You didn’t call me out or anything. You literally just did nothing but state you have a degree in PR as if that somehow matters. :rofl:

I’ve literally not talked anywhere about politics but I’m pushing right wing nutjob agenda? What? :rofl: You guys are getting funnier by the minute.

Ana had almost no pickrate at all.

When a hero has a very low or very high pickrate, their winrates become less meaningful. A very high pickrate forces the winrate to 50% as the hero is inevitably on both sides every match, and thus both wins and loses every match. A very low pickrate means the winrate can be wildly off just due to statistical noise, or because the hero is only used as a meme pick during stomps.

For example, you know who has the top three winrates right now for PC, in GM, this week? Junkrat, Bastion, and Torbjorn. All heroes almost universally considered very bad in high ranks.

as i said, save some for after the res :rofl:
it really wasn’t rocket science, but as I said, most people, ESPECIALLY the ones like Seagull, wanna frag out and make “huge plays” on their own without thinking too much. and then, imagine having 3+ of those as DPS on your team…they’re all gonna waste their ults just to show off. even in t500.
I promise I will try to dig out that video where he whined that he can solo carry :slight_smile: which is where i stopped valuing his opinion on balance…[i still think he’s a super entertaining streamer and i love watching him, but…yeah…]

edit: i do wanna say however, even tho i think the healing output nerf was not what she needed, it’s nice to be able to play other healers, tho mercy feels pretty lame to play now, and sluggish but…at least no one screams at you to play her…so that’s a nice thing to see for a change.

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Ah yes, the scientific method of reddit polls.

By this logic, the fact that the largest post on the current forums is a thread advocating for a rework/revert must be correct, because popular vote is proof beyond a shred of doubt.

What does SR have to do with it?

Are you saying Rez was totally fine during Season 1-3, when she got no SR at all?

It does matter. Again, you asked someone if they knew what PR was, and I answered. Like I said, don’t start whining now.

Your first reply to me was literally whining about “western society” and other crap like that as if that had any relevance in this conversation.

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Evidence you ignored.

Here’s a quote from Jeff. “The ability is extremely powerful in a very unfun way for both Mercy and everyone playing against that Mercy.”

From this thread:

That’s two statements from Blizzard. I’d like to know about this other statement you mentioned though.

No there isn’t, and don’t try to act like there is.

10/10 argument there.

Except when you rework Mercy, right?

And yet you proceeded to list the buffs that were mentioned, while ignoring the nerfs. Just so you could say that Titanium’s suggestions were to make Mercy OP.

Why only Mercy and Ana though?

Maybe you shouldn’t make up some conspiracy theories and try to pass them off as true even though you have no evidence then.

Then why are you discussing it and using it to try and prove a point?

How dare they not use the forums!

Oh ok. You just made it sound like upvoting threads was an issue.

As far as I know, the threads are different enough to warrant their existence. Really, people should use the Mercy megathread, but it ends up just getting locked constantly by people flagging it.

Proof for this?

What isn’t wrong with that thread?

It’s not evidence though. It’s just Sprinkles complaining about Mercy mains.

That’s not answering my question though. I’m asking you to show me where I ever did that.

Doesn’t mean it was an issue.

How far exactly?

Because we actually play the hero? Yeah, probably.

Seriously? Am I not allowed to have an opinion?

How so?

Because your argument was about output, not how strong they are?

Because she was OP? I’m not denying that. That was because of bad balancing on Blizzard’s part. Key word: bad.


I hate to tell you this as you are apparently in the dark; however, most people discussing this game are wholly incompetent and are literally unable to form a coherent thought with objective reasoning. There are a few capable of this monumental task, they are just drowning in a sea of tears.

This is not my argument. It’s clear evidence however that hide&rez existed and it wasn’t some nonsense like you claim. Don’t change my argument. :rofl:

The fact that many Mercies exploited the SR by doing hide&rez - this is also well-documented.

There was never a case where Mercy didn’t get no SR at all, stop making stuff up please as you go along. Also hide&rez existed in Season 1-3 as well.

I’m not whining about anything. I couldn’t care less about your degree and the fact that you have to bring real life credentials only makes it more amusing for me. :grinning: Especially considering all your points are wrong so far.

I’m not whining about anything but nice try.

You don’t think a PR responce to a balance change is important to be worded politically correct and properly from a company like Blizzard? My, my I really have to question what PR degree you got and where you got it from. :rofl:


Already addressed this - PR and politically correct statements are irrelevant in the context of the situation.

The other statement is that Mercy is fine and they do not plan to bring Mass Rez back.

Strong and output are two completely different values. Sorry by man but I’m very specific and concrete with my definitions. :wink:

Still a correct one.

When you rework anything. Fun and balance are two separate things. Fun is subjective.

Mass Rez was unhealthy and bad mechanic, bringing back is not a step forward.

Because we are talking about supports and because this was OP original comparison. Maybe you actually need to look it up. :rofl: You wanna talk about Reaper or Symmetra, be my guest.

Nothing conspiracy about it, the Reverts themselves even admitted to having a Discord once information leaked out. :rofl:

Because you are the one claiming conspiracy theory when I have clear evidence that they push an agenda.

Not my point, whatsoever. Nice try to change the argument again. :rofl:

You need to read carefully then what I write. :rofl:

I actually legitimately agree with you on this. A 100%, this is actually the first time you say something that’s actually correct. And I would back you up a 100% on it as well. Give the Reverts their megathread back and prevent it from being locked and just delete blatant troll/antagonistic posts.

I got falsely reported for a “real life thread” and had to get a moderator to prove me innocent. I can quote the posts and provide link if you want. Numerous people have had the experience as well otherwise the Gatekeeping thread wouldn’t exist.

“No u” rhetoric again. :rofl:

Except it’s not just Sprinkles and you know it.

I just did.

Assuming the devs don’t play their own game, nice! :rofl: The delusion is real. I also play Mercy so by that logic I’m right. Good to know.

No, it’s clear evidence that some people THINK it existed. Which we already knew.

And most of those same people I have literally seen fail to pay any attention to a Mercy clearly not hiding and then still cry that she was hiding.

If that’s the best you got, sorry.

Clearly “no SR” was a figure of speech. But there were numerous reports of her getting very little SR no matter how well she played.

Also, people still exaggerated what they thought was “hiding”.

Then don’t bring up whether or not someone has “heard of” something.

Ignoring the rest of your drivel.

You clearly are, but please continue being childish.

Who do they need to be “PR” for? The people whom you claim are the vast majority that “agree” that Mercy was broken?

Again: if your argument is that they will flat out say something that isn’t true for the sake of “PR”, then what reason do we have to believe anything they say?

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The quote in the patch notes when Mercy was reworked.

I can’t win. Any evidence I have you’ll just call PR.

Which has no relevance to Mass Rez being removed.

So, fun is ok to balance off of when you rework someone?

Based off of feelings. Feelings don’t matter.

You said that your argument was correct in the context of Ana and Mercy. That suggests that your argument only applies to them.

That’s not what I’m talking about though. You said that Mercy mains have an agenda (which I think is funny coming from the person who made “the knights of Undertone”, or whatever it’s called).

Because they have a discord group?

You seemed to have an issue with them communicating off of the forums. I’m showing you how ridiculous that is.

Don’t mention it if you don’t have an issue with it. Also, you included “upvoting threads” and “false flagging posts” in the same sentence, which I assumed meant you thought they were both issues.

It also benefits Blizzard because it makes it easier to ignore Mercy feedback!

Please do.

The gatekeeping thread has so many issues with it.

No, I don’t. To me, it just seems like Sprinkles complaining about Mercy mains.


Nice twisting my argument.

The devs aren’t exactly going to have 300+ hours on Mercy, while playing at GM level, are they?

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Disclaimer: The OP of that thread got suspended, most likely for toxic comments being said by him that were targeted at Mercy players.


It’s not bias, it’s just “Mercy is no skill hero” kind of mindset among DPS players, that are so proud of their “mechanical skill” that their ego can reach orbit.

That’s a very touchy topic.

The character is balanced statistically ONLY when the perfect winrate is with the perfect pick-rate.

To which ana’s pickrate sucked up until now, Symm and Torb have like 60% winrates but 0.49% pickrates, doesnt make them OP.

Anything from 2.8-5% is a good pickrate and anything from 49-51% is a good winrate.

Mercy has had a pickrate of 7-9% for a while…

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I’m assuming you’re talking about Titanium saying he has his own discord… More than half of the people on said discord are inactive forum users. :confused:


anyway, found the vid, here’s a time stamp, mercy HIDING in the freaking main entrance, pro awareness yall, gg

also, a screenshot for your convenience, you’re welcome.
[remove spaces pls ty]

https: //imgur. com/a/kWiLCdy

Then you outright admit that this assertion is inconsistent:

And now you need to articulate why it is inconsistent in this manner, and why that inconsistency is allowed.

Or is it just convenience for your arguments? “These rules apply, except when I don’t want them to”?