Compiling a list of skins that aren’t (and very likely will never be) available again for players to get their hands on.
Pink Mercy
This skin was only available for purchase for two weeks. All raised money went to cancer research back in early 2018. Known as the “charity skin”.
SF Shock, Florida Mayhem, LA Valiant 2018/19 League Skins
OW League teams that changed their team colors. New variants are available to buy for tokens, however only players that purchased the old colors prior to the 2020 team changes can keep and use them.
Noire Widowmaker
This skin was given to players through a code for pre-purchasing Overwatch. Some codes are still being sold online, albeit for copious amounts of money.
These skins were marketed in 2018-2020 respectively to the All-Star weekend in OWL. Much like Pink Mercy, there was only an exclusive period of time where they were available to purchase with real money. Considering they are a part of a yearly cyclical promotion, it is doubted they will ever be available for purchase in the future.
Kerrigan Widowmaker
A reskin of WIdowmaker’s Nova skin from her Starcraft crossover, this skin was only available for a month to players who logged in early 2018 for the 20th anniversary of Blizzard’s game, Starcraft.
Blizzcon Bastion & Winston
Celebrating the 2016 and 2017 Blizzcon packs, players who purchased access to Blizzcon would receive these skins in game. They are often referred to as the “rarest skins in the game” due to the large amount of money spent to obtain them originally, and like Noire Widowmaker, can be purchased online still with a code. However, they are ridiculously expensive.
Illidan Genji & Tyrande Symmetra
Much like the 2016-17 bundles, players could obtain two skins for Genji and Symmetra in Blizzcon’s 2019 ticket bundle. These skins can be purchased online from those who bought the bundle but never used it still, but at extremely high prices.
Goats Brigette
This was a promotional skin for Brigette that was sold on the OWL store for tokens, promoting the 2020 kickoff of the Overwatch League. It was available for purchase for almost two weeks in February of 2020.
Zen-Nakji Zenyatta
Another OWL promotional skin created for an incredibly skilled Zenyatta player, Jjonak. It was available to purchase for OWL tokens for two weeks in the Summer of 2018.
Flying Ace Winston
Another OWL promotional skin. Available for purchase with OWL tokens, this skin was created for Spitfire’s championship and was available late Summer of 2019 for two weeks.
Thunder Doomfist
Yet another promotion OWL skin for SF Shock’s championship season. This skin was available for two weeks for purchase in March of 2020.
Demon Hunter Sombra
This skin was introduced and restricted to the 2018 Blizzcon goodie bundle. However it was later given out for the 3rd week of the Halloween Terror event in 2019. This skin is now officially unobtainable now.
Event Challenge Skins
Sometimes Blizzard will release bits of lore in comics and have in-game skins you can earn for the respective heroes for a limited time of 3 weeks. Heroes/challenges include Bastet Ana, Combat Medic Baptiste, Mardi Gras Ashe, Nano Cola D.Va, Dr. Ziegler Mercy, Lego Brick Bastion, Maestro Sigma and Comic Book Tracer.
Grey OWL-themed Skins
Overwatch League skins were created to be purchased through Twitch and streamers. These were incredibly expensive to get, albeit a few were given out for free for a limited time.
Seasonal Event Weekly Epic Skins
Starting in the Summer Games of 2019, Blizzard allowed players to earn one event epic skin for a hero for winning 9 arcade games that week. Each skin was available only for the week, and 3 epic skins could be earned per event. These epic skins are confirmed to never return in the future.
~ If there are any I missed feel free to comment, this is a list I will continue to add to in the future! ~
I’m sure the only ways to obtain them was…
… for Moira, Soldier 76, McCree, to purchase the 2018 all access pass.
… for Tracer, Junkrat, Hanzo, Widowmaker, Mercy, D.Va, Genji, to cheer bits, up to $30 worth of bits to get Tracer - Genji.
I know that feeling! I got Nano Cola D.Va, but one of my new mains is Baptiste and I missed out on his combat medic skin! Hopefully one day they will be up for grabs again.
And here is a list of the ones I got and the ones I don’t
Pink Mercy
Beautiful Skin, I love Mercy, it’s for a good cause, so I had a good reason
SF Shock OWL-S1/2❌ | LA Valiant OWL-S1/2 Mercy & Orisa | Florida Mayhem OWL-S1/2
I got Mercy and Orisa when I bought the OWL All-Access 2018
Noire Widowmaker I bought the game the day it was released, didn’t pre-order it… I kinda regret…
All-Stars Mercy & Lucio
I love Mercy still, I also love Lucio, he ended up becoming my main and I am now bullying every Ashes and Widows that gets in my way
As for Tracer and Genji, I had no OWL Tokens at the time, and I didn’t really want to spend money for skins… I would’ve only buy Tracer’s though, because it really looks dope as hell. I never see anyone with that skin though, but yeah, Tracer’s skin looks dope as hell. I’m kinda sad we don’t have any special effects for All-Stars Mercy and Lucio, because Tracer got these water effects when she blinks and Genji got these fire effects when he reloads and ults
Kerrigan Widowmaker
Didn’t even know it was exclusive, I thoughy everyone had it
Blizzcon Bastion & Winston
Didn’t went to Blizzcon 2016 & 2017
Illidan Genji & Tyrande Symmetra
I’m not gonna pay 40€ for these disgusting skins. Seriously I’m not a fan at all
Goat Brigitte
I never play Brigitte, the skin is really cool but, meh
Zen-Nakji Zenyatta
I play Zen even less that Brigitte, but the skin looks really cool
Flying Ace Winston
Thunder Doomfist
I play Doomfist even less than Zenyatta, but the skin looks dope
Event Challenge Skins
Free skins for winning 9 times, who would say no seriously ?
Grey OWL Skins Moira, Soldier & McCree
Got them by buying the OWL 2018 All Access
All except for Winter Wonderland 2019
I was having a break from Overwatch during that period of the year
I guess I’ll just type which ones I have, just for fun.
I bought it;
I didn’t bought any of these skins, you should also mention that the Devs accidentally enabled those skins to be purchased when they released Echo;
I got it, and I haven’t even pre-purchased the game. A friend of mine gave me the code when it wasn’t expensive;
I only got the Mercy skin;
I forgot about that skin, I got it too;
I’d love to get the Symmetra one, but also nope;
Didn’t got it, I don’t play her as much, so;
Didn’t got it even though I had 200 OWL Tokens back then. I just thought the skin wasn’t much of my taste;
I got it, I like how Winston is an aviator, looks nice;
Got it all;
Didn’t got any. Is it true that they were free for a limited time? Didn’t heard that one before, hmm…;
I got it all, because I don’t know if they’ll come back. The only reason I play during events nowadays is to get wins simultaneously with Arcade wins (the main reason that I don’t play Overwatch as much anymore is because my good PC busted and my current one doesn’t run as good as the previous one).
Edit: I wish I could giveaway the Noire skin to someone, Widowmaker is one of my least played Heroes (least played is Echo, I didn’t played the game in quite a while, so I didn’t played as her at all).
I wish I got Zen-Nakji.
I live in NY so NYXL is my favorite team.
Zen is my most played hero.
When JJonak became MVP from my favorite team as my favorite hero he became my favorite player.
This skin was so amazing and I wanted it so much if only I wasn’t broke.
I cant help but question what the point of this thread is. Is it meant to say “this skins are never coming back so stop asking” or is it just listing all of them for not reason?
I honestly assumed this would be more of a friendly thread by the way it’s written but I really don’t want it to be used on the “bring back pink Mercy” threads. I don’t understand why some people have to tell people they are wrong for wanting it back but at the same time some people take it too far by posting for it on every OW twitter post.
I got all the grey OWL skins by just farming free bits that first year. Farming bits stopped during season 2 and hasn’t worked since on any stream. Guess I got my fill… it was well over 10K.
If she comes back next halloween you dont need to. But if they did that one time only, then yea. Idk if shell be back. Have we made it back to an event with the “weekly” theme again? I dont remember the first event they did that with. Ive always wondered if they return during next event. There are a few of those I missed. xD