Limit Tanks and Support but make Damage Open

This is a weird idea but what if the game had no role selection? Allow players to queue into games and pick whatever they wanted, however allowable tanks and supports are capped at 2 each per team.

Teams could play 2-2-2 or 1 tank 4 dps and 1 support, 4 dps and 2 supports, 2 tanks and 4 dps, 1 tank 3 dps and 2 supports, etc.

Allow players who want to play tank to play tank and let everyone else play what they want and keep queue times as low as possible.


The game is easier to balance when there’s a consistent number of each role on a team.

Yup. Sure I’d prefer RQ, but I’ll take this no questions asked. Agree/disagree with who balances it, whatever, that’s secondary.


What is even the point?
222 is already a thing and for anything else there is open queue.
More then 2 dps is suboptimal anyway.

Whoa! I genuinely didn’t know this had been suggested already. Compromise might be the best solution.


Because it’d help with match quality/queue times if the matchmaker didn’t have to find two tanks (currently) or four tanks (under 222 RQ) before starting a game.


Will it? having 3-4 dps in a team isn’t exactly quality matchmaking.
Not to mention open queue already does all that and you don’t have to wait for a tank to join.

Once again, the problem people have with 5v5 isn’t just 5v5. It’s what’s required to make 5v5 work.

The same game with zero changes but a few HP tweaks to tanks with one more tank is still the same game. It still has the same issues people don’t like.

And no, open queue actually doesn’t do that. Open queue allows for 2tank/3sup or 3sup/2tank, or 5 tanks, or 5 supports.

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There’s definitely some stuff like heavy DPS teams that are worse quality of life than RQ offers, but it might be worth it compared to having to continuously loosen the matchmaker to get RQ games started. 222, 122, both have failed so far.

As for current OQ, it’s bound to use the same matchmaker as RQ does. Current OQ is the worst of all worlds; it’s got all the dumb crap that comes with OQ without its saving grace.

it is not going to fix 5v5 and while 5v5 exists, not picking optimal number of tanks will always put you in disadvantage regardless if it is open queue or this.

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I would not be happy if I queued into competitive and had two instant lock tanks. I do not want to play some garbagio DPS or support anymore. If they revert to pre season 9 projectile sizes? Sure. I could work with that.

True but the issue is OQ is a tanks dream, and a tank nightmare. It’s often 2-4 tanks per team and not balanced at all.

The dev team should consider adding some balance changes to OQ. It’s silly to have two competitive modes, OQ and RQ, but they’re both balanced around RQ.

Unsurprisingly, nerfing the tank health in OQ by 100-150 hardly does anything when you’re facing 2-4 tanks.

Which is why the suggestion is for 6v6.

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222 s already good enough for 6v6.

There is no point handicapping the team with only 1 or no healers at all.

Well the problem is that 6v6 RQ has the issue of queue times. Personally I’m inclined to believe that queue times either would already be solved or could be solved by game/tank design, but too many people disagree vehemently for that to be an option that most people would get behind.

That’s kind of my reasoning for 6v6 role lock. It’s the one option that offers an upgrade for pretty much everyone on the 6v6 side. It might not be exactly what every single person individually wants, but it’s better than nothing, you know?

It’s more about player choice than anything imo

Except sometime player choice isn’t the best for the team.
Even now, in the first sign of losing ppl all go dps and start looking only after themselves. Is that what you want?

222 RQ wasn’t good enough because it suffered disastrous queue times early into its life.

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Yes. More options for players and let them play what they prefer. I remember OW from before role queue. Both teams would come out of spawn on all dps. More often than not, as the game developed swaps were made to both tank and support and the better team comp won. Limits on tank and support would really be for higher ranked matches to prevent something like GOATS or Quad tank from happening again. I don’t think those comps were super prevalent in lower ranks.