Tracer is getting a new skin for anniversary! Blizzard New Zealand tweeted this!
tweeted what…? theres nothing here
I can’t post links! I’m level 2. She has a faux hauk (blonde)
I believe PlayOverwatch also tweeted it out. Gives her a black and yellow suit with a blonde mohawk.
Everyone prepare yourselves for the 100s of threads of complaints!
Hold on, I gotcha.
Thanks pal! Really dunno why I can’t be level 3. I owe u one
They’ve already started. I’m kind of shocked by how conservative a lot of the playerbase is being upset with a girl having a mohawk haircut.
You have to meet certain requirements. You definitely need to “read” more posts (the requirement is 20k) and I think you need to have created 10 threads.
She already had one with her punk skins too though
That confirms 2 of my epic guesses, so if genji gets an epic my guesses for epics will be 100%
I wouldn’t be surprised if annoyances start trolling tracer “oh she looks more lesbian now” smh
I can’t wait to not play it ever in game lol
Give it about an hour
I don’t think they’ll reveal anymore today. That was already two. Probably tomorrow.
I have friends who are girls and have a faux hawk, they’re not lesbian. But this community will complain.
Makes me think of Thousand Foot Krutch. If Tracer were a guy, I’d actually want this. This is just me, but I’ve never wanted a Tracer skin before.
Nah, the skin isn’t to bad but the hair color choices aren’t that interesting. They should have gone with dual coloring instead of just pure blonde.
Epic or Legendary tomorrow though? They could reveal only one epic but that wouldnt be fun, maybe leave it to a suprise (I hope its Green Cyborg Ninja Dude) and just give a legendary reveal.