Lifeweaver's voice

How dare you disrespect caius!!! I just beat FF13-2 so im especially offended rn :rage::rage::rage:

I wasn’t disrespecting anyone lol. Caius is a fun villain. And I love his hair.

With crossover events happening these characters can do well with skins for Lifeweaver.

Lifeweaver is an abomination while caius is the greatest FF villian

Unicorn Chiron from smite is exactly what he’s going to sound like

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Dude you have seen nothing of what blizz prepared for the release. Just some spoiled news article that forced blizz to release some stuff early.

I would hold judgement at least till you see his backstory.

A lot of asian figures have that look in many fantasy games. Judging character based off an image is a bit too much.

Heck if you play world of final fantasy you would misjudge the game if you judge it by the chibi characters.

For some reason I imagine him to sound like Fernando from Paladins

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ist if it is stereotypical twink high pitched voice xD

bro he looks like a paladins character doesnt he?

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Jenos in particular, yeah

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I’ll go with “nasally teen.”

please blizz don’t make him to sound like a stereotypical gay freak from weird tv show… gay community fighting against such stereotypes since forever =\

Honeslty, when I first saw him I thought of Bretman Rock…and that’s what he sounds like to me. And there really is no topping that, so I’m prepared to be disappointed.

I can honestly imagine him having that typical french romantic voice :laughing::laughing: i mean he was holding a freaking rose in one of the photos!

And… He kinda does sound like Jenos actually LOL

Okay his voice is not bad, I thought he was going to sound worse

I didn’t say he was?

I like his voice quite a bit. He just seems like a genuine, nice dude.