Lifeweaver petal self-destruct binding (Updated to show how)

Update: There is a setting you can enable for Lifeweaver to do this, thanks to Star for posting that.

Go to Controls (For LW)> Hero & HUD > Advanced (It’s a drop-down) > Interact Cancels Petal.

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He has one already. I do it all the time

I think you may have to enable it in options, but I use interact to break it


whats really going to suck is…knowing how buggy his petal is…if you cast it and the very tippy tip of it gets caught on…oh…a pebble…or some small thing and it doesnt go up, or it only goes up like 3 feet lol…it’ll be stuck like that


There is a self-destruct option. Just reactivate the ability to destroy it.


It used to have a self destruct button, I don’t understand why they removed it in favor of pressing the same button again

You can have both Blizzard!

The issue is that you can’t destroy the platform without using a new one if the cooldown finishes

Oh is it still an option? That would be great to have again

This has been in the game since his release.

Nope, trust me this limits you.

I tried it it waste the cool down because it places another one and sometimes you just don’t want one on the battlefield at all.

Thank goodness

They unbound it after they did the control rework, I didn’t know it was still there

Check advanced settings for LW

Yeah it still puts a new one out.

Maybe the option doesn’t exist on console for some reason? Here it is on PC, under his advanced settings–

And in action–

No its on console thats how I know about it. Its left on the d pad.

Oh wait it turns out I vastly misunderstood and lost track of the conversation asdfghjkl; sorry. IDK why I thought you were saying that you couldn’t break a petal without placing a new one. As if that claim would be coming from you of all people :sob: My brain has failed

It is on console, but now I’ve tried it out, it’s still a useless option to me

You can destroy the thing without throwing a new platform out at the cost of that being your only way to destroy it

Meaning for console you gotta take your thumb off the stick, which is no bueno

That’s what I was saying if you don’t have the right setting on as soon as its off cool down you’ll break the old one by placing a new one UNLESS petal platform is on cool down.

This is bad for various reasons.

This is why I prefer people who don’t know what there talking about like that guy above you not try and give advice it just confuses peoples.

Those of us who play weaver have it on destroy on interact instead of double tap for a reason.

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