Lifeweaver Mains: Help

Alright so I don’t plan on maining Lifeweaver, but I do like his less damage heavy playstyle. But I have no idea how to use his platform. I try to throw it out for snipers or in entrances sometimes to act as a early warning system but it seems really inconsistant on whether it will go up or not. And it feels weird to use it for myself. I’ve seen people throw it out, hop on and then grip someone up to it but that seems very convoluted. How am I supposed to use this thing?

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  1. Taking high ground for yourself or a teammate
  2. Mini escape tool when getting dove
  3. Doing some cool high nooning Cassidy up to the skybox with grip
  4. Putting it under a ulting Orisa or Zarya
  5. Putting team mates in aggressive positions

Petal Platform IS for you first and foremost. It’s your main survivability tool, alongside dash, and if you’re not capitalising on this you’re not playing Lifeweaver correctly.

The only time it’s really for your team is when Zarya uses grav. Walk into her grav and use the platform, and it will lift you and everyone else right out of the grav. Likewise, if you put it under Orisa when she Terra Surges she will fly away harmlessly.

Also you can life grip teammates to safety on it, but honestly that’s overkill. Pulling them back is often enough to save them.

Btw, little tip: if you crouch, your platform will block shots from enemies who are too close, acting like a shield too if you need it.

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