Lifeguarder Lifeweaver skin black dots texture bug

Aside from the skin’s missing texture bug in 1st person POV that has already been reported in some other posts like this one:

I’ve noticed that the skin also has another texture (or clipping?) bug on his face as can be seen in the first 2 images below. There are 2 black dots near his eyebrows, and they are also visible in highlight intros and in matches. The dots are less visible in these images than in-game because the screenshots were compressed by Imgur.

These are minor issues but I hope they’ll get fixed as I’ve seen bugs similar to these got fixed before. Thank you for reading the post! <3

Edit: I’ve added 2 new visual bugs to the Imgur link:

  • Harbinger Lifeweaver’s hair is a bit transparent so whenever direct rays of light shine through his head (even in matches), you can see his bald head underneath his hair. The visual bug can also be seen in his “Bookworm” Highlight Intro.
  • Starting with Season 12, his “Rose” Victory Pose makes his hair and eyebrows glow, and this bug affects all his skins (I think).

I also just noticed the same 2 bugs and wanted to report them so I’m glad I saw your post before I make mine. Hope they’ll be fixed soon. Also, none of his other skins have the black dots on his face so it’s definitely a bug.


I also noticed the bugs, but I think the issue with the face dots might be fixed since I don’t see them anymore. It could be because I’m using a PlayStation 4. Unfortunately, the bug with his hand is still not fixed :disappointed:


Oh, interesting! I play on PC so I can’t check the other platforms. I just checked and I can still see the face dots on PC. I think trying to see them at a distance might be a bit hard. I believe the easiest method to see them is to select his “Healing Blossom” Highlight Intro as his face is really close to the ‘camera’ at the beginning of it.


Has anyone seen some weird rings that appear around his back petals? I noticed them when I played against an enemy Lifeweaver with the skin equipped and I’m not sure if it’s a bug or not

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If you meant the in-matches character outlines then I think it’s the result of how the moving water effect for his back petals was implemented. When the outlines of his back petals are near your POV, they look fine, but from further away, the outlines become big circles. Whether it’s a bug or not, I also don’t know. However, even if it’s intended to be like that, I’ve noticed that it’s a bit buggy because in some areas of maps, the outlines are always big circles even if your current POV is near the Lifeguarder Lifeweaver.

Edit: Here’s what it looks like in-game:

Idk if it’s possible, but maybe the solution would be to make a custom static outline for his back petals.