Lifeguard Mercy: heroes never drown

Another thing I’ve noticed in anime, there’s a fixation on Tokyo getting nuked. I personally prefer the Godzilla variant, a gigantic lizard stomping Tokyo is a lot more entertaining, because you at least have a chance to run screaming for the hills amidst the total chaos and stampeding panic.

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Me still out here waiting for D.Va and Reinhardt to get a skin after a year of no event skins while people out here asking for Mercy’s 3rd summer skin sadboys

I’ve asked for Bunny D.Va repeatedly, it’s not my fault. :frowning:

Loved this thread, hopefully they take some ideas into consideration (although I’m trying to get all Mercy’s legendaries and another new one would broke me…)!

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Well, it IS coming up to be Summer Games. Though I doubt they could take it seriously even if they wanted to, something suggested on July 12 for an event that’s going to start at like Aug 2 or Aug 8 has little to no chance of being actualized – maybe next year.

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Every single hero has Tungsten bones, none of them float at all. They better pack oygen tanks if they don’t want to drown. : /

I am very sorry, but i don’t understand what you mean.

They all literally sink to the bottom of about every source of water.

Also Tungsten is highly dense and can’t float in water.

This is why we need Lifeguard Mercy to save everybody who falls into the river in Rialto. We cannot have the blood of sentient gorillas and hamsters on our hands.