Lifeguard Mercy: heroes never drown

Thanks! :smiley: Well, there were some trolls in it, for example a number of people saying that girls in bikinis were a sexist construct of men somehow forcing the women into that sexualized role to the women’s detriment, etc. I think that’s where that thread went downhill, and I share the blame because I did some arguing against them.

Well, you know, live and learn. In the future, if people of that sort try to derail, I’ll simply talk to the nicer people until the trolls take the hint and head to greener pastures. xD It always worked for us Mercy fans in the Mercy Fan Club.

Pool noodle for her staff and a squirt gun.

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Yes please! While we’re at it, we need Soldier: 76 in beach wear with a Super Soaker instead of a plasma gun. With little badminton thingies instead of Helix rockets. xDDDDDD

Any Song from him would fit xD

The Citizens for Mercy as Lifeguard Super-PAC enthusiastically endorses this wise and accurate observation.

Sombra and Mercy swimsuit skins

I thought Sombra already has a scuba diving outfit for Summer Games?
Lifeguard skins for all the supports! >:D


OMG that’s adorable. Love the harpoon Ana’s packing. xD

She got 2 skins in a row for this event, both epic and legendary. If she hadn’t gotten Winged Victory I’d be for it, but some other characters could use the legendary slot more.

I think mercy’s shirt should be shorter, showing her stomach in the pic

There’s no water anywhere…how could they drown?

You’ve clearly not been to Watchpoint: Gibraltar, Rialto or Volskaya industries, my friend!!! :smiley:

Don’t forget that they can drown in toilets and in their own sorrows after getting defeated. :grin:

“Resuscitation stream activated!”

https:// www. youtube. com /watch?v=kK7AgZDxpYc

Lucio’s defeat in this video wounds me to the core.

I had a thing for girl with abs.

Poor anime men are so abused, they bleed a river or get kicked out of a 3rd story window but are miraculously completely fine after about 40 seconds.

However, the image you posted is a perfect example of the extreme need for a Lifeguard on these forums. She would stop the bleeding and allow Generic Anime Boy to survive.

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It is not just the men in there.

Poor girl. That’s the worst nosebleed I’ve ever seen. Why isn’t her skin turning purple like Widow’s?

Anime logic my man. Anime logic.