Life of Platinum DPS (EU) - Part 2

Hey, another update for DPS role. 6 games played in two sessios, not a very good games. I was really losing my mind on some of them. I probably played bad but some games had really bad team mates honestly. I am back at 2573.

Here is link to my previous updates:

In line “Winnable” is my honest opinion if game could be won or lost for player who is in his rank or max 1 rank above, usualy by not making mistakes/having better play or if teams were even so it was more luck then skill. Sometimes my comments will reflect my bad play. Sometimes I will trash talk my team mates, but it doesnt mean I played well myself tho. My opinion can be influenced by emotions after the games played when I do the comment about match. Feel free to commnent my mistakes if you want, I dont mind, I appreciate it. Or just discuss about my journey :slight_smile:

Here is the info about my games and as always, my replay codes will stay probably one or two days. Based on how much I will be playing.

– GAME 7 –
Winnable/loosable?: I honestly dont know, there was a chance probably.
Final SR: MC7KZS
Result: LOSS
Map: Rialto
Replay code: MC7KZS
Heroes played: Mei
Notes: I didnt like to lose that game. I think I did good job but our tanks were way too passive and just letting enemy team to take payload constantly. Zero communication in voice chat. Not even hi/hello.

– GAME 8 –
Winnable/loosable?: We could probably win, was close.
Final SR: 2572
Result: LOSS
Map: Watchpoint: Gibraltar
Replay code: 10SY5H
Heroes played: Mei/Widowmaker/Soldier
Notes: I think I played well this match but it was still lost. It felt like some players are not doing their job, honestly looked like enemy tanks were much better and our were bad too, but I might be wrong of course.

– GAME 9 –
Winnable/loosable?: No, because people were trolling.
Final SR: 2549
Result: LOSS
Map: Lijiang Tower
Replay code: X2E8FF
Heroes played: Mei
Special: People in my team throwing.
Notes: We could win first round but people overextended and didnt care about objective. Then started arguing and throwing in second round, actualy sad. It felt Like I was only one trying to play/win. Others were busy typing bs and throwing. Someone on enemy team told me that I played well.

– GAME 10 –
Final SR: 2526
Result: LOSS
Map: Route 66
Replay code: F2DT97
Heroes played: Mei, Soldier
Notes: I dont really get it, I really dont, constantly flying to our face and people just didnt kill her. Whole damn match even when I was freezing her often. I was honestly losing my mind this match. I watched some of my team mates in replay and they were freaking bad. No wonder we lost. Zero communication in voice of course.

– GAME 11 –
Winnable/loosable?: Yes, match was close.
Final SR: 2550
Result: WIN
Map: Junkertown
Replay code: Z4P4P2
Heroes played: Mei/Widowmaker/McCree/Bastion
Special: Thrower in our team.
Notes: I played 4 heroes this match because I was trying to find best hero to face enemy team. Bastion was working the best probably. Our healing was pretty bad, Lucio dropped from game and several people said he was afk almost whole match. I watched the Lucio in replay and I am pretty sure he was throwing as his actions felt pretty random and I think he was not healing on purpose. No communication in voice chat, not a beep.

– GAME 12 –
Winnable/loosable?: Hard to say, probably not as our team was much better.
Final SR: 2573
Result: WIN
Map: Numbani
Replay code: EMQ9CB
Heroes played: Mei
Notes: We did pretty good and had full hold on first point, then we just captured point in attack whene enym team did pretty bad mistake with overextending. Again no communication in voice chat, just silence.


Sometimes when you don’t feel well when playing the hero that you are playing ( like using reaper but can’t even get a kill and died ), you need to switch to someone else, especially counters. Position is another reason, a good dps doesn’t really need healers and tanks to protect them because if they know how to use high ground or any good places they can kill enemies without help.

  1. Position
  2. Switch to counters

“Bad team mates”?

Whatever do you mean? “All your team mates are the same SR as you and equally as skilled”.

When I’m playing tank in bronze and my supports run past me to dps, or my dps can’t secure any kills after I’ve managed a quad shatter, it’s always my fault.

That’s forum wisdom anyway…


Of course you can have bad team mates, actualy a lot worse than you in the match. But generaly speaking bad team mates are not reason why anyone is stuck in certain rank. Because you will not have bad team mates in every game. sometimes you will have team mates who will carry you.

I am plat because my skill is plat, not because I occasionaly have bad team mates :slight_smile:


And we all know the forum is the place to go for facts. Git gud…:laughing:


of course. Just interesting that circa 60% of your games you’re losing due to throwers and team mates that you seem to imply aren’t playing at the required skill level.

Makes a big difference playing with friends. I three stack with 2 casual chums
(“So, she heals when she hits people? Wow! Her chain whips out? Wow, that shield bash stuns? I didn’t know that!”)

I’m not expecting great things from them, let’s say, but at least I know that they’re trying. And even if we get smashed by a Bastion on payload with 5+ minutes left on the clock, we know we gave it our best shot.

For sure, clans will help resolve a lot of toxicity people feel towards their fellow players.

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As I explained in my initial post I am just presenting my opinon about the game after I was fresh from it. I dont watch my replay 99% of the time to be sure If I am right or not. Its just a feeling. For example in game 7 I said that I think our tanks were too passive, but it doesnt mean they were bad. It is just what I felt could be reason why we had issues. I am very aware of my own mistakes. Thats why I am sharing my opinion in line “WInnable/Loseable” if game could be won when mostly If I could play better or we could win if we better group up for example. I am pretty much saying unwinnable/unloseable only when I think one team has a lot more skilled players.

I am sharing codes so anyone can see it on own eyes and possible tell me I am wrong for example. And I can learn from that of course.

I was playing with friend in previous session, but I usualy do comp solo.


I can’t believe it… Something we agree on…

Whenever I’m playing Hanzo or Ashe and I’m just not killing anything, I usually just go Reaper/junkrat/Torb/Mei because they require less physical action and more just mental performance “on my part.”

I partially disagree though about not needing supports. Like… Look at GM players, they’re basically performing their role at that level similar in capacity as Gold does in gold and plat does in plat.

Supports “sustain” all team members not just tanks…

Like if I’m focusing a Pharah/mercy as a solo hitscan, it’s unrealistic for me to end that threat without support…

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lol why do you care about rank? the game is so infested with cheaters, throwers, and smurfs that it’s a coin toss if you’re going to win. literally has nothing to do with how you play. it’s easy to play balls out and lose, or damn near throw and win. just play whatever and if you win, you win, if you lose, you lose lol who cares. I just main genji now even though he’s a horrible dps due to the incompetence of the devs, but he’s fun even if i lose like 60% of my games haha the game is a joke, just play to have one and enjoy MUCH better games elsewhere

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Everyone sees fun in different ways. But the game is played a little differently the higher in rank you go. Some people wish to play for those “few and far between performances,” and others just want to have fun. Which is honestly what quick play is for… Not comp…

But as long as you have fun I guess :hugs:

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I am thinking about replacing Mei as my main dps hero. Blizzard nerfed her pretty bad and she honestly feel worse than she ever was. Maybe I could try doomfist, it seems that he has a lot of carry potenial.

If i would want to start getting better at doom, can anyone suggest good guides for him?

Heya! im pretty new to overwatch. I finally bought it because it was on sale. I started learning about overwatch from the youtuber “Stylosa”. I would like to do something similar to your series! Do i have your permission?

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Sure, go for it, but if you want to get better at game, stop watching stylosa :smiley:

Haha, hes the first youtuber that i started watching but ive been watching alot of guides lately!

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Channels I watch and I highly suggest to watch if you want to be better player on certain apects of game:

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OMG! Thank you!!! :grinning: :grinning:

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