Liberate the Competitive Scene and OWL will succeed

What do I mean by that? maybe most people here are too young to remember the concept of a LAN party but that alongside a more relaxed local competitive scene is the key to not only get proper local talent in OW teams but a real presence on eSports instead of whatever Blizzard attempts every time they force their scene.

What I mean basically is, Blizzard should release the LAN client to the general public with no restrictions, currently the situation is different though.

The above fact is pure [Edited by Blizzard], but is the way Blizzard is gatekeeping all talent.

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I mean they could certainly go for the lan-client. I don’t know what legal problems this could cause though and another problem is that I don’t think the lan-versions you remember from your youth were that “open-access” as you’d like to remember them.

Also a different problem: Every lan-version would be playable online without any issues whatsoever.
There’s nothing that could prevent it.

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The ones I remember from my youth were basically a default feature from the game client, from classic Starcraft, Warcraft, Counter Strike to Classic Battlefront and a ton of other games, they were open access by virtue of being in the game by default, as for the other problem, that hasn’t prevented all other games from being successful just because LAN games can be played online.

i have been saying this for years …

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The LAN thing? I can’t believe multiplayer games these days may not have it, remember how Lawbreakers died and the developers refused to patch in the LAN aspect of the game which means the game died for good.

well, i really think lawbreakers died due to cliffy b. he was the one that killed the UT community …not many people still like him after that

I know, but not letting people keep the game in a manner of speaking doesn’t help either, all game services die eventually but communities can keep the core game alive for longer given the necessary tools, back on topic, OWL won’t properly take off as long as people don’t feel they can experience competition themselves without the need of special licenses and gatekeeping.

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agreed. communities (clans/guilds) being able to set up their own ladders / tournaments … even being able to admin thier own servers will be a HUGE step towards improvements of this game. most toxicity can be stopped just by this …

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I recommend spreading the message and see how Blizzard reacts.

To be honest, it’s always baffled me that LAN capabilities aren’t available in this game’s base client. It should just be there. You shouldn’t have to get a separate license or some such nonsense, that’s pretty absurd. That license should be part of the license for just buying the bloody game.

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Not to mention a ton of games before OW still had the option with no real drawbacks in terms of sales or anything, I have yet to hear a good reason for the LAN option to not exist in OW.