LGBT in Overwatch Mega(y)thread šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆ

I think some are an indication of canon but not necessarily everything; some just exist for the sake of gameplay interaction. But Iā€™m sure the writers said that is because they donā€™t want to run into any inconsistent writing.

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Itā€™s like that in the canon stuff too. Mercyā€™s too placid when it comes to Genji and itā€™s boring as hell. Give her some personality pls! Her being disappointed in his non-swiss chocolates was hilarious and what I wish we had more of.

Theyā€™re theoretical conversations based off of charactersā€™ relationships as the writers see them being, so the spirit/intent behind them is canon but the exact words arenā€™t is how I see it.

You know what this calls for? Mercy lore. Give the girl some personality.

Isnt she literally just the doctor lol

Yes please. I wanna see more of the personality thatā€™s hinted in her voice lines and interactions and emotes. v___v

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Well, good thing a single character can represent multiple things. Thereā€™s nothing stopping Blizzard for including your suggestions while making them LGBT in the same time.

I wouldnā€™t say two black people is fair amount though.

If Iā€™m not mistaken, their explanation is basically ā€œIf these characters meet, they will talk about this.ā€ Obviously some characters have met before and all interactions are in line with their personalities (if they have any). You can imagine that if Lucio and Symmetra meet, theyā€™d have those exact conversations they have in spawn, but those interactions are not a confirmation that theyā€™ve met by now.

He he. Down that road. Road. Like in Roadhog.

(This sounded funnier before I actually wrote it down)


Well itā€™s better than the why is zaryas hair natural pink joke

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Iā€™m afraid to ask whatā€™s the answer to that joke, but Iā€™m asking anyway.

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Because heroes never dye

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Iā€™m groaning, but the blame is on me so I accept my fate.


Thank you guys for that beautiful interaction. Put a smile on my face lol

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Your welcome. Now allow me to take it away from you with this amazing potential matchup.

Itā€™s a rap, itā€™s done, its here, its revolutionary, its groundbreaking, its officialā€¦Reinrat!! :mouse::shield:

Oh. Orisa isnā€™t a black person. I had a brain fart because sheā€™s voiced by an African woman. Though Efie, her creator is a young black girl genius who would probably get along great with Shuri from Black panther.

Iā€™ve been there. Me bein the uneducated silly white guy I am I thought Symettra and Pharah were black lol

Iā€™d really like to have more of Efi somewhere in lore. What is she doing? Does she go with Orisa on missions to maintain her? Does she have any other plans?

Perhaps she might become a playable hero when she gets older.

Thatā€™s going to take a lot of time to get to unless they do a weird present/future type thing. Which could be cool but Iā€™d be concerned about which of the ā€œpresentā€ heroes would still be alive by the time Efi was old enough to become a hero (or at least 18).

Yep, thatā€™s my only concern too. If the lore and timeline move forward too quickly, we might be forced to lose some of the existing cast. Maybe not explicitly because theyā€™d die, but as much as Rein thinks heā€™ll fight to his last breath, I canā€™t imagine him going around at 90 years old. Though as heā€™s only 61 now, thereā€™s still a long way to go.

I really hope they dont kill anyone. Theres to much character love and bias for them to be making a decision like that.

Itā€™s kinda like killing someone in a VS movie it just doesnt feel right lol

Same! I donā€™t think itā€™s necessary to kill anyone. It would just be cheap shock, unless thereā€™s a highly specific situation.

Also I know theyā€™ve said that if they do kill a character, the character would still be playable, but I find that incredibly morbid. Mostly because of all interactions and stuff.

If they kill off a character in lore, which I hope they do not ever do to be entirely honest (this isnā€™t the right sort of game for that), they had better remove that character from the roster, as itā€™ll feel like attaching strings to a corpse and waving their dead body in front of their friends and/or family. No Thanks.