LGBT in Overwatch Mega(y)thread šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆ

I see the Mei cinematic as outlining her personality more, which isnā€™t at all a bad thing, in addition to showing her accepting the Recall (something we all already knew), which is an important event to show that will probably turn up with everyone who ends up with the new Overwatch team.

Personally I donā€™t see why the devs should have received the outrage they did over it, since the Dragons Short also kind of showed us stuff we already knew - the only thing that really moved the lore forward there was the reveal to Hanzo that Genji was alive (something we all already knew).

Edit: And the Honor and Glory short is something like 99% backstory that doesnā€™t move the lore forward but indicates a lot more about Reinhardtā€™s personality, but no one tore the devs a new one over that one either from what I remember.


Was the Dragons short released during the beta?

I ask because I remember watching it before I bought the game on the day of release, so I had 1) no idea who these men were beforehand and 2) no idea they were related. So it was New To Me, someone who didnā€™t participate in the beta.

The Mei short would be new to folks who havenā€™t owned the game for nearly two years now.


I think youā€™re right, which is probably why no one minded the fact the lore wasnā€™t moved much by it ahaha. But the thing about Honor and Glory still stands imo - thing was 99% backstory that we could have guessed from Reinhardtā€™s bio, much like Rise and Shine was about 99% backstory that we could have guessed from Meiā€™s. The only thing we really gained in both situations was specifics of how things went down and that they accepted the Re-Call.

Edit: Well, that and a bunch of dead NPCs, one of whom got the heroā€™s death that left an emotional impact on the audience and the others of whom barely even got named.

I donā€™tā€¦mind backstory so much, as it expands both the world and the characters it focuses on, but weā€™re literally at a total standstill with the Recall storyline, and we have been for two years. Whatā€™s going on behind the scenes thatā€™s preventing any forward momentum in the story?


Same. Also seeing her reaction to what happened as well as seeing how she saved herself is important.It really made her more relatable and human, as well as explaining how she got out of that. As a matter of fact, early lore is not really compatible with that short anymore? Her story on the website says:

As their supplies dwindled, they entered cryostasis in a last-ditch effort to survive until a rescue attempt could be made. But that rescue never came. It was years later when the teamā€™s cryogenics chamber was finally discovered.

?? But the chamber was never discovered by anyone. Mei woke up and was alone and had to devise a plan to leave safely. Itā€™s weird.

Also yep, same thing with Honor and Glory. But nobody can say it didnā€™t tell us a lot about Reinhardt. I saw Dragons before I knew anything so it was new to me too, but at the end of the day, it offers very little amount of new information currently. (Dragons is still the best short and I will fight people about this.)

On an unrelated note, has anyone noticed this on McCreeā€™s website description:

Armed with his Peacekeeper revolver, McCree takes out targets with deadeye precision and dives out of danger with eagle-like speed.

dives out of danger with eagle-like speed.

eagle-like speed.

Iā€™ve been in tears for days over this. McCree, a notoriously slow character with the worst mobility ability, diving with eagle-like speed. I suppose combat roll was just THAT impressive two years ago.


Oh, I have nothing against backstory - Iā€™m more pointing out that itā€™s silly that people got upset about Meiā€™s cinematic not revealing lore but not Reinhardtā€™s when Reinhardtā€™s revealed basically the same amount of lore as hers did.

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He used to be super fast, but then whatever took out his arm busted his knee and now heā€™s got a bum leg and heā€™s lopsided.

Thatā€™s my theory anyway haha


Leave backstory to comics, not multi million budget shorts. Thatā€™s all Iā€™m asking.


Iā€™ll take it :joy:

Someone help him.

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Obviously McCree Joel Morricone ghostwrote that description.


ā€¦ Or novellas. Though that would be harder to keep an eye on/pay properly in comparison to 10 page comics, as I am sadly aware.

Yes, Joel certainly loves to embellish things about McCree.


People were upset with Meiā€™s lore because it literally retold her bio, more or less word-for-word. You could literally read Meiā€™s initial bio entry and itā€™s pretty much the entirety of Rise & Shine.

The reason why people like Honor & Glory is because despite not revealing anything that moved the plot forward, we didnā€™t actually know why Reinhardt initially joined Overwatch, how he was blinded, and what causes him to be so stubborn about joining the fight.

We actually learned quite a bit about Reinhardt during that short that was never told to us in his initial bio.

2 Likes't_know_what_you_heard%2C_but_my_name's_not_Joel.ogg


Thank you for this. :rofl:

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Except that thereā€™s discrepancies between the short and the original bio that donā€™t line up at all, so clearly one of those things is wrong.

In any case, I still say that learning more about a characterā€™s personality and how they respond to situations is interesting, which is exactly what Rise and Shine does. It shows Meiā€™s emotional reactions and perseverance following the discovery that all of her coworkers and friends were dead and had been for years. Do I wish theyā€™d chosen a different character? Yes, kind of. I want a D.Va short. But I still donā€™t think that the devs should have gotten yelled at for the short.


My only real gripe about Rise and Shine is that Mei gets over her coworkers deaths pretty quickly.

She had to stamp that pain down in order to focus on her own survival. Once sheā€™s safe she likely gave herself time to grieve. Sheā€™s back at the watchpoint with Winston and Tracer now, so thatā€™s probably whatā€™s going on.


To add onto that I wouldnā€™t say sheā€™s ā€˜over itā€™ per se.

For example, this voiceline belonging to Antarctica exists:'t_think_I_would_ever_come_back_here.ogg

I also think there was a longer version where she starts crying? But I think that one is only datamined/was rerecorded.

And then of course thereā€™s her response to Moiraā€™s quip.

Sometimes you have to do what you have to do, but that doesnā€™t mean that you arenā€™t hurting.


She was also shown sitting in one place for at least an entire day, not moving at all, once she discovered them dead. Which, to me at least, is hardly getting over something quickly. Emotional masks/distancing to distract and allow oneself to work better do exist and are a noted survival mechanism (and I agree with what cats said).