LGBT in Overwatch Mega(y)thread 🏳️‍🌈

What would you name him? I can only think James :laughing:

joel, honestly. it fits lore wise.

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It really does. But it’s kinda obvious and it wouldn’t surpise me if they change to that.

theyve confirmed (?) it’s not a retroactive change. they wont be going back and redoing things. old content wont be changed, only new.

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It is confirmed.

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And it seems that I was right about this:

They are caliing him Cowboy.

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Ive seen more than enough people joke that he’s marrying hanzo to change his name to jesse shimada. i support this.

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That would be cute! I don’t even ship it.
I have nothing against it, I’m just not invested in any ship in ow(and hate most canon ones).

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I fell into the ship not long after first starting overwatch back in 2016. 2015 if you count the demo. it didnt get me into the game but it’s kept me around…the fan content for it is too cute. the game and the ship helped me get through some tough times. it really cheered me up.

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My opinion is the history shouldn’t be erased because you and people of your environment are doomed to repeat the history. It’s the same reason why Ana Amari still didn’t fix her right eye after all of she experienced. But let’s see what they gonna do with this new McCree arc. I hope it involves Echo key and Sombra bar because I don’t see other plothole in his lore.

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They could retcon the entire lore and I wouldn’t even blink, as I’m not very attached to it as it is right now. I would feel bad for some people that like the lore as it is(like Righteous here), but I don’t hold most of the fanbase of this game in high regards, so :woman_shrugging:

I dont think the matter is as simple as people are making it to be. Some are saying it’s the dev team doing what they can to stand up to the victims, and that the executives were the ones to blame for things getting the way it is/was. But some devs were the ones creating and protecting those toxic enviroments. Not that the executives are not to blame, far from it.

I believe that the overwach team is changing the Cowboy’s name as a form of protest and to stand up for the victims. But it’s also beneficial for them to keep the “clean” and “progressive” image the game is associated with (even though it’s progressiveness, most of the time is just performatic, in my point of view).

There’s also maybe some legal stuff involved, because I remember the writers saying that they had to make the dev, with the name they wanted to give to the character, sign some papers to allow them to use it in the game.( This is another detail fans could be forgeting).

So yeah, it’s a complicated situation with no right answer.


We cannot call it retcon because as Overwatch Team said, the name change involves only future content. What was done in the past will still be there in canon, all the comics, books, animations with Jesse McCree. It means the name change happens in the present lore that something dangerous happend to McCree, like Sombra revealing his past, and so everyone since then call him different whenever he wants that or not. It means Jesse McCree called himself Jesse McCree to hide his past identity which stopped working or to be cool named but again stopped working or called himself with new name because living as Jesse McCree became too dangerous. It means Overwatch Team still have to call him Jesse McCree if they gonna add any new story to the time when he was called Jesse McCree by other characters cause otherwrise it will be plothole.


honestly making it a story element just seems to defeat the purpose since they’d have to address the existence of the name in past material anyway. theyre also changing the sprays which makes me lean more towards the retcon angle, they might just be changing the name entirely while leaving old material alone for the sake of cost. Also I’m starting to like the rumored name of “Joel McCloud”. its probably not what they’ll go with but it’s better than nothing.

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Yes, they will have to if they ever gonna add one. But there’s also chance they actually won’t because let’s be honest, McCree’s past is already explained enough. Now they are going into the present and future lore anyway. The McCree arc they want to add has to be on the border of the past and the present. I think the name change happend right after “Reunion” because it’s the most recent in the present time Jesse McCree and as we remember, he was going to do something important after “Reunion”. Whatever he did, it didn’t go well for him.


There’s just one possibility for Jesse McCree to be called with new name in the past when everyone called him Jesse McCree. What is that? Jesse McCree never was his real name, it was the cover of his past or cool name idea as I said earlier. It would have to be some close friend of his e.g. his family for him to be called with new name (from his perspective it would be his old name). But this heavily depends on Deadlock Rebels novel. Is there explictly stated that Jesse McCree is his real name? Because the novel still isn’t released in my country which is żenujące.

I mentioned something along those lines in a post here before:

cole cassidy…not terrible.

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I find it cute. Cole is kinda meh, but I really like Cassidy. It just sounds cool for me.

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yeah i think the general consensus is cole is weak but they like cassidy.

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Now you guys need to come up with a new name for his ship with Hanzo.

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