LGBT in Overwatch Mega(y)thread šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆ

Guy just listed why theyā€™re a better choice and the reasoning was pretty ā€œstereotype-ishā€ for Hanzo, at least. Lucio is just all about ā€œfreedomā€ in general, but Iā€™ve seen many people say heā€™s probably gay because heā€™s small and not masculine.

Mccree isā€¦ Mccree. I donā€™t know whatā€™s everyoneā€™s obsession with him, lol.

Also, Iā€™ve told why Iā€™m so glad Hanzo isnā€™t the gay one, if you remember.

Well personally I still wanted a new character to be gay lol. I donā€™t want to hear anyone go ā€˜ā€™ IT NEEDS TO BE AN OLD CHARACTER OTHERWISE >:((((( ā€˜ā€™ anymore if we are to get more LGBT representation.

I think Hanzo having not much lore, gay or not, still worries me lol.


I mean not many characters have lore, itā€™s not just Hanzo. Even characters who have been given lore, donā€™t have much lore. Junkrat and Roadhog are a complete ā€˜ā€™ ? ā€˜ā€™ when theyā€™ve been included a lot.

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I mean, for me personally, Hanzo being bi would be my dream because he fits me in all aspects and I can see a lot of myself in his struggles.

Maybe a stereotype here and there, but far from literally any of the big ā€œproblematicā€ stereotypes or anything that I would specifically have to call Blizzard out on. Someone who was forced to obey the rules for the majority of his life and then finally being free to act like himself would be positive development overall that would resonate with many LGBT people.

Retribution kind of developed McCree, Genji, Moira, Gabe a lot so Iā€™m hoping the next Archives event is similar.

Also, in 3 weeks weā€™ll have a new hero. And Iā€™m not really excited one bit.


Iā€™m just waiting for Archives



But if that were the case, why not make Jack bi? Jack goes more against bi-male stereotypes than gay stereotypes, and the stereotypes of gay men he does go against have both been challenged before and would have been challenged by other characters in the OW cast. Reinhardt and Doomfist both being gay wouldā€™ve been interesting, as you have a example of a positive masculine gay man and a villainous masculine gay man.

I understand what you are saying and I agree to a extent, but I believe we have talked about this before, how bi males need better examples of representation. Like, Hanzo being bi would be good if a more definitively positive and not stereotypical character was also bi, or if positive bisexual men were more widespread in culture. (they are not, most bi men are stereotypes or coded to be evil) McCree, Lucio and Rein unfortunately fall into stereotypes, and every other male character in OW is morally grey or ā€˜evilā€™. I suppose you feel the way about Hanzo the way that I do about Jack in that you relate to him to a certain extent, which I respect. Jack and Hanzo both being bi wouldā€™ve been fantastic. Youā€™d have the stereotype breaking effect of Jack and then the chance of character development with Hanzo.

I agree with you, however Blizzard has put themselves in a box with this. If they release a new hero and make them the representation, it feels cheap since itā€™s like they put no effort into it. ā€œJust make one upā€ instead of an actually established character. Like, itā€™s not bad by itself, it would just feel cheap, like they just farted them into existence.

Iā€™d actually dig Lucio being a heterosexual transman, that would be cool to me. Iā€™m not aware of him falling into any stereotypes outside of slight androgyny, but any transmen please correct me on this if I am being stereotypical.

Iā€™m so tired of this nonsenseā€¦

Explain how farting a LGBT character into existence without them having any prior lore, when both of the LGBT characters before them have had massive amounts of lore to them wouldnā€™t feel cheap?

Explain how farting a LGBT reveal into existence without any previous implications doesnā€™t feel cheap? At least with a new LGBT character, we could be assured that being LGBT was always part of their design, not just a sudden brain fart causing years and years worth of headcanons and ships being flushed down the toilet.

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Fair point, and I would agree with you if Blizzard hadnā€™t done reveals with Lena and Jack before, but unfortunately they have done these reveals.
So, doing it now would feel cheap in comparison to the reveals of Lena and Jack. Not going to lie, Iā€™d feel insulted. Like, Iā€™m some sort of afterthought to them.

The only bi male stereotype I know is them being obnoxious flirts. That kinda goes for bi women too. I think in case of Jack he equally goes against both bi and gay stereotypes, because heā€™s very much ā€œstraight-passingā€ on all accounts.

I really really donā€™t see how heā€™s that much better bi rep than gay rep.

Yeah no I donā€™t understand. I donā€™t understand one bit. Straight characters can be released with wives and husbands and kids but gay characters need to be released, wallow in their non-existent lore for 2 years, and then their gay can be released from the vault, effectively destroying whatever non-gay headcanons and ships the fandom has come up with, things theyā€™ve come up with BECAUSE of the lack of lore.

And, please, letā€™s not act like Lenaā€™s and Jackā€™s reveals were that good. Emily hasnā€™t been referenced SINCE her reveal outside of some non-offending voice lines and two sprays. Though it is true that Lena and Emily can be referenced in the future, and their relationship can be built a lot more, nothing has been released or revealed since the comic.

And Jack and Vincent? Oh wow, clap clap, Blizzard made it so that they never have to ever ever ever reference Jack being gay ever again. No happily ever afters, no ongoing male x male relationship, just a lonely sad gay Soldier doing his thing. And while this is all fine and dandy, itā€™s an easy cop out, making the reveal that much more sad and pathetic.

Of course, Iā€™m being pessimistic, and Blizzard might have all this wonderful gayness prepared, whether itā€™s Jack or Lena or someone new. But I donā€™t think Blizzard has proven to follow through, at least not fast enough to keep me optimistic.

So all in all I donā€™t really get how one can feel like a completely new LGBT character is an afterthought, or rather make THEM feel like an afterthought, when our current reveals havenā€™t really felt very promising outside of making two of the most prolific characters gay, and while I give props to that, itā€™s not like we are getting a good dose of gay relationships, intimacy or such in our comics.

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And before anyone cusses me out for being pessimistic, negative or that I donā€™t appreciate Lena or Jack. I do appreciate it, but I still think that for all their effort, they donā€™t usually follow through completely. I think itā€™s amazing that two such central, iconic characters are gay, but I also think they took some shortcuts with their reveals, that were mostly to market the game instead of creating realized LGBT characters.

Iā€™m still open to new LGBT characters in the game, but I hope, I SINCERELY HOPE, that whoever it is, it is a new character.

My point is not that heā€™s not better bi rep over gay rep, itā€™s just that heā€™s better bi male rep than other OW characters wouldā€™ve been, as well as the fact that there arenā€™t very many real good bi male reps out there.

Curious, who wouldā€™ve been the best gay male rep?

Reinhardt and Doomfist, since you have a VERY positive stereotype breaking masculine gay man, and then a masculine gay villain. That would be rad to me. Though Doomfist is a newer character, I admit.

Canā€™t say I disagree with Doomfist, he is awesome and a man of color to boot, but Reinhardt is iffy to me because how flirtatious he is with Ana.