LGBT in Overwatch Mega(y)thread šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆ

Yeah he does. He seems like heā€™ll try anything once, lol

I was more referring to the fact that Junkrat and Roadhog are racist against Omnics. Same reason I wouldnā€™t be thrilled about Torb being bi. Reaper does have some complexity, but I donā€™t know if a backstabber who summarily executes people he could capture can ever go above ā€œneutralā€ on the morality chart.

His love for his old army cadet boyfriend certainly was, but I feel that his bisexuality was used to reinforce his ASPD, by showing that sex and the intimacy that it brings mean nothing to him in the face of gaining or losing power. (Given what he does to Zoe) You are correct that it is not a driving force behind his evil, I still donā€™t know if using his sexuality as a means to show how evil a character is is that much better.

Absolutely agree.

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Yeah, I donā€™t like that aspect of them either. Same with Zarya.

To be fair to them, all of these characters have been heavily negatively impacted by the Omnic crisis. I think itā€™s a good idea to give some heroic characters (like Torb and Zarya) this negative trait because it makes them more realistic. Sometimes even the best people can have biases, and Torb and Zarya have them due to their backgrounds.

Also yeah, I agree about Reaper. I think heā€™s a very well made character that we can treat as a bad guy, but it also gives us information to understand why heā€™s like that and what drives him.

I think the major issue with Frank specifically is that we donā€™t get to see any other LGBT rep so we basically have Frank with his POV and thatā€™s it (at least when it comes to characters that have their own plots and stories. If I remember correctly, there was also Rachel and that Frankā€™s bodyguard dude, but itā€™s not like they had their own storylines we could explore for good rep).

HoC actually couldā€™ve easily talked about LGBT issues, being a show that tackled so many controversial topics.

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Absolutely true, but if we are aiming for acceptance and representation, making the (even justifiably) racist characters a representation is not exactly my first move.

Yeah, Xander is also bi, but he ABSOLUTELY fits the depraved stereotype. Everyone on house of cards is in some shade of grey as well. I suppose thatā€™s what to expect when the introduction of your main character is them mercy killing a dog.
I think it mightā€™ve, but they probably had to change course when Kevin Spacey was found out.

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i donā€™t think the whole ā€œomnic racismā€ metaphor really works. i mean considering omnics literally tried to kill the human race, you canā€™t really blame people not liking them. trying to compare hating robots to hating actual races just doesnā€™t work . especially roadhogā€™s backstory considering heā€™s a maori man whoā€™s being displaced by colonizers. and the fact that were suppose to feel bad for the colonizers in the situation doesnā€™t really feel right.
Like as someone whoā€™s native american i can feel no sympathy for the omnics in that situation considering its literally ā€œgoverment kicking out indigenous people to make room for the group that tried to kill themā€

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Yeah, I wanted to touch on that as well, but didnā€™t want to further extend my post.

It obviously doesnā€™t make sense to hate omnics like Zenyatta, who are not only peaceful, but also didnā€™t even exist during the crisis. Thereā€™s clearly something irrational about it, based in past fears and the inability to adapt to a new situation.

But most characters have gone through the crisis and Zarya in particular is someone who is fighting a second crisis right now, which defined her life for the worse, so Iā€™m not surprised she isnā€™t thrilled about omnic acceptance. And in the case of omnics, the fear of them is largely rational because thereā€™s actual proof that they did something bad (which isnā€™t the case with real world racism in any way: as far as we know, a vast majority of omnics went rogue during the crisis).

Once we know more about this topic, it will be easier to judge characters, but itā€™s hard to equate anti-omnic ideas with real world bigotry.

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yeah like i donā€™t think its fair to hate zenyatta, but trying to equate racism to omnicphobia is a pretty big misunderstanding of how prejudice works.

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iā€™ve always considering them more neutral, since in ā€œgoing legitā€ they tried to actual stop doing crimes and go on the straight and narrow path. of course they kinda sucked at it since junkrat didnā€™t even think twice of blowing the place up while he was under the impression their were hostages inside, but i think trying to be good and sucking at it is better than not trying at all.

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Itā€™s pretty common in fantasy and SF to simplify it like that. Mostly because of the whole ā€œreality is unrealisticā€ trope. People have a hard time grasping the idea of large amounts of people being discriminated for seemingly no reason so a lot of fantasy and SF try to ā€œexplainā€ it by showing those people doing something bad at one point in the past.


itā€™s likely an attempt at middle ground since some people make a fuss whenever thereā€™s anything ā€œcontroversialā€ in fantasy that in some form can be seen a problematic in real life. racism, sexism, any kind of ā€œphobiaā€ is apparently wrong to have in a fantasy setting since itā€™s a fantasy setting.

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Ehhhh, given that the land they were given was the land around the Omnium, it could be seen as their home, effectively. You get into difficult terminology with AI, since humans are their creators but they are still people.
There is also the idea (which I am in favor of) that AI like Anubis controlled the Omnics and subverted their free will. So individual omnics are not to blame for the Crisis. Typical, of course, but it would make sense and also give a easy way to defeat the Omnics, the Achilles heel or weak point.

Pretty much my thoughts exactly. You shouldnā€™t hate someone because someone else who shares one trait with them has wronged you.

My comp canā€™t run apex legends with a decent framerate but I didnā€™t have fun doing nothing and seeing no one for ten minutes anyway so back here lol I hate battle royales

Same, I have absolutely no idea how it became popular.
Seems like just a exercise in frustration lol.

thatā€™s my issue with the BR games. itā€™s the low points that make the games really drag. you spend forever moving around and scavenging then you get into a fight which can usually be intense and fun. then itā€™s over and itā€™s back to moving and scavenging.

itā€™s like energy drink crash. youā€™re lowā€¦you take the drink and spike upā€¦then crash again. plus iā€™m not a fan of games with one life. i know you can get revived and thereā€™s a way to respawn you in apex but still.

honestly i wish apex was a team hero shooter like OW. but BR is the new thing.

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My issue with BR is that even if you do get to play for a while, dying feels really bad because you worked so hard and you just get removed from the game.

I spent like 15 mins gearing up, defeating people, moving closer and closer to victory and the bam, all of that is instantly gone in one fight.

That being said, all games can be fun with friends. I was honestly interested in PUBG when it came out, but wasnā€™t keen on buying another game and was also put off by the art direction.

Does anyone just stopped anticipating for more LGBT characters? I donā€™t doubt that thereā€™s more but itā€™s just going to be a long time to wait for them. I just prefer to go about life ā€œby the wavesā€


Kinda same here. I think I figured that writing them myself is the best solution lol,

It is a new skin, and his ult is snakes.

My investment in the subject pretty much began and ended with ā€œI sure hope this isnā€™t Blizzard just baiting people to keep an audience captive and interested.ā€ Which is why I was never all that bothered about who it ended up being, just that they kept their word.

Plus Iā€™m not 100% comfortable with how this last reveal was done? So Iā€™m kind of more ambivalent about more now. As long as itā€™s respectful Iā€™m game and even encouraging of it.

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Canā€™t believe I spent $30 on trash.