LFG toxic issues

Dear Overwatch developers, could you remove the binding to a specific role of remaining players if the one player or more leaves the LFG group?

The current scheme creates problems for solo players. For example, I can play only on DD and tanks. And I connect to the group in the competitive game, inside which these roles are “busy”. They ask me to take the heal. Otherwise, they threaten with reports. But I can’t play for this role. And if I choose it, it will be even worse for the team.

That is, the current scheme creates additional conditions for toxicity and player’s tilt.

Thanks in advance.

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Or have half your team on the felx role and the other half tied to something.

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Up… (Post must be at least 20 characters)

Leave the group if the roles you want are taken?

He’s probably talking about the scenarios where he is the solo q player and he gets grouped up with a 5stack, which then proceeds to bully him into a role under the threat of reports.

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try to learn a healer, its not hard at all infact in just a few games yo can reach a proficient level with Mercy unless its an attitude problem.

Ah I see. My bad. Couldn’t really get what he was saying. Not sure how the developers can fix that though. The 5 stack will always still get tilted if the last dude doesn’t pick what they want

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yh I agree. And anyway false reporting in a much more general problem, not just limited to lfg.

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