LFG segregated specific players

As a Bastion main in Diamond i find it excruciatingly hard to find a game because people in LFG keep insta kicking me out of groups and avoiding me just because i main Bastion. i join groups meeting their title criteria and still get kicked because my main is Bastion. i gotta go trough 6 different groups till finally someone says “oh hey a Bastion that’s OK i hope u switch though”. I can play other heroes i’m not a one trick. my stats clearly show it. but the only thing people see is bastion and they instantly kick me.

they should make an LFP, looking for player.

That way, the groups that are looking specifically for Bastion mains can find you, instead of the other way around

I suggest making friends with the people who do add you to maximize your potential. LFG is great for filling spaces, not making functional teams.

The people who do friend you solidify you a spot on a team that knows your strengths and abilities and can look past your main.

That being said, don’t go blaming anyone else. Yes, they see the cover and put you down for a different book. But that’s because you’re not what they’re looking for, plain and simple. If we had a DPS spot filled and see the player has an overwhelming majority of their hours on Sym, guess what, they’re gone too. We need someone who can maximize damage output across many different heroes, not someone who screams “niche”.

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Hey, you play well enough to be at roughly the same rank as their mains, right?
Sometimes I give up constantly going solo (nightmarish most often), filling as tank or support, or being kicked for saying I play Sym or Junk as dps.
When I made my own group, I became the captain of my own ship and I wouldn’t let it sink.
Went on to win like 6 or 7 games in a row last time haha.

Honestly LFG leaders can be some short sighted nimrods.

LFG leader: you’re a Lucio Main, I need a DPS player, why would you pick a DPS slot?

Me: …you do notice that I have hours on other heroes right-


Some real friggin idiots congregating on LFG.


No one’s looking for bastion main lol.

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, you’d be surprised though

yes but my stats also show i can play other non niche heroes healers and tank. there’s no reason for an insta kick. and im not blaming anyone

Thus why Private Profiles actually made sense. Heck, you know what would be a good alternative for that? How about a more modular profile such as highlighting winrate above play time as a choice if we played enough games to show it?

This was my initial problem with profiles in general. The only reason I can kinda get away with playing other supports despite my main being Moira is that, somehow, people don’t mind a support who mains one hero to switch to another support. But somehow, tanks and DPS players get heavily scrutinized for switching to another hero for the same role unless the situation incredibly heavily demands it. I could’ve sworn that the latter parts of my LFG experience had some of our projectile mains getting scolded for switching to hitscans… when we were having a Pharah problem. It alleviated the problem greatly, its just that it would’ve been fixed if they just let them play hitscan as soon as they firmly believe its needed.

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Working as intended. Most people who LFG do so so they won’t have to play with people (like you) who don’t want to play as the team thinks is best.

If you want a group that is non-conventional, you will need to lead it yourself and look for other non-conventional people.


LFG is working as intended, its just misused greatly later on.

Here’s the problem with this, really. The meta game is, by all means, still less flexible than most meta games in other games. In DotA2, in theory and in practice, you can use anything provided it was planned for. In Siege, I’m in Diamond (which is the equivalent of GM here, though we don’t have a Top X rank… and I’ve been bouncing between Plat II and Diamond) and while so many people follow the pro-scene, they don’t let operator picks get in the way of a plan. Heck, I’ve been through so many games that players willingly avoid playing the current meta or cheese strats simply because we all understand that playing the meta in an incomplete stack, let alone solo-queue, does not work due to sheer lack of chemistry. Its not that we don’t follow the meta out of spite, its just that we know what operators are needed for the situations anyways, we just need atleast one or two people to play those meta operators.

The meta in Overwatch is literally X vs X, Y vs Y, Z vs Z, instead of an X vs Y, Y vs Z, or even Z vs X. Sure, more heroes are, by all means, more viable now than previous metas, but whether you like it or not, the meta is still incredibly strict for what it is.

When someone who mains off-meta heroes and can succeed with it, but no one’s taking that player, it honestly half the devs’ fault for such a meta, and the other half who are so blind to believe that its the meta or nothing. People (including myself) should know by now that the vast majority of us, probably starting from Masters to Bronze, should realize that following the meta shouldn’t mean following every freaking detail. The base is there, which is atleast one shield tank, atleast two supports, and whatever the last three are and its up to peeps for that. Think about it, in all our meta games, even Dive had to run a shield tank in some form or fashion (Winston’s Bubble, D.Va’s Defense Matrix, etc…). Heck, even GOATs is relatively easy to deal with. Its honestly grab a hero like Hanzo or Widow, or Pharah if you like projectile heroes, and maybe a D.Va and to heck with everyone else, honestly, provided you atleast follow the base team composition structure, and maybe adjust from there.

So, loosen up with tight structures like this, and maybe you’d see more positive results until you hit ranks where the meta structure in every detail starts to matter at all. I’ve come across Bastion mains who float in Masters wreck house even against GOATS for some odd reason.