LFG + GOATS = Ez escape from low ranks? (meant for lower ranks)

Over the summer I went to visit one of my friends in China who, like me, is in bronze. Or rather he WAS in bronze. When he showed me his account I saw that he had a Rien golden hammer. Then when he showed me his account SR I saw that he was 2800 +. He then told me that he had just used the LFG tool and played only goats ( and occasionally pirate ship on J Town ).

( For those who don’t know, GOATS is a strategy using either triple tank triple support with Brigitte Moira and Lucio or quad tank with Moira and Lucio. This style speed boosts onto that point and brawls, using Moira’s strong aoe healing for sustain. Without high DPS Heroes GOATS is nearly unstoppable )

In higher ranks, the GOATS composition is countered with ranged splash damage heroes and tank/shield busters such as Reaper, Pharah, and Junkrat or a well-placed bio nade from ANA

it can also be stopped to some extent by good cc abilities such as mie’s endothermic blaster, doomfist (with skill required) abilities and hammond (wreking ball) pilodriver

However, in lower ranks teams lack both mechanical skill and coordination to stop GOATS.

GOATS is arguably the least mechanically demanding top-level strategy in Overwatch. It doesn’t require much coordination either.

Here are some simple directions

  1. Protect the supports at all costs

Moira and Lucio are essential to the success of the GOATS comp. NO other support in the game has better aoe hps than Moira. Tanks have a lot of hp but massive hitboxes, causing them to take loads of damage. Moira is the only healer who can keep four tanks alive. If Moira gets picked your push is over. Lucio’s speed boost allows GOATS to move at a frightening speed. Without it, however, GOATS moves like a slug. This slow movement will cause you to take more damage during your advance towards the objective, often causing your Rien’s shield to break.

  1. Stick with your Rien

Never leave the unit or you will get picked and the strategy will fail. Follow your Rien to the point. Once on the point run at the enemy team and beat the living [profanity] out of them. During the brawl try to move more or less like a unit, this will allow all of you to benifit fully from Moira’s aoe Heal.

  1. (for Rien players)

Put tape over the charge button. No really do it. Charge is the worst ability in the game. It should be renamed overextend and die. Try to go straight onto the point if possible (don’t hesitate to fight them if they the enemy team tries to block you though). Once in a fight just walk towards the enemy team with shield and once you get close enough, start W-M1 ing. Don’t forget to charge ult with fire strike.

  1. (for Zarya Players)

Prioritize Rien with bubble because is a front liner and will get you a lot of charge when the brawl starts. Bubble Moira when she is getting pressured because she is the most important. try to communicate when you will use your grav

  1. (for Hog players)

Keep doing damage. Hog is the “dps” of GOATS even though he is an off tank. Use your hook on the enemy Tanks if you can’t find the squishy supports. If Zarya uses Grav, use whole hog into it for an easy wipe.

  1. (for DVA players)

Use D Matrix to block fire strikes to deny ult charge for the enemy Rien. Use D Matrix to protect your Moira when someone is on her. Hunt down low hp targets during the brawl and finish them

  1. (for brig players)

Be behind your Rien on the advance. W-M1 during the brawl. Use the 150 damage combo ( Shield Bash left click shift ) on low hp targets and on Tracer for a free kill. When your Rien has shatter and the enemy team has a Rien, shield bash the enemy Rien so yours can shatter his team. If your Rien suffers from super slow reaction time, you can use shift to knock the enemy Rien away from their team. As Brig it is also your responsibility to deal with enemy flankers

  1. (for Lucio players)

Lucio doesn’t have to do much other than speed boost onto the point with the team. You should try to keep using speed boost instead of heals if you can throughout the fight. Use boop to push away flankers.

  1. (for Moira players AKA the VIPS)

Stay Alive. Use orb for self-sustain and heals. Stay in the back line where you are safe from the chaos in the brawl. Use ad ad crouch spam to be harder to hit (you don’t need to aim just spray the heal all over your teammates). If possible use mic to tell your team when you need help. Use the right click if no one needs healing. Don’t be conservative with your healing resource because your team will need all the healing they can get to survive. Use your ult often. You will find you have it more or less every fight because of the healing numbers you can put out.

  1. Use voice lines for intimidation factor :scream:


In the lower tiers GOATS can work on any map but is especially good on:

  1. every 2 cp map (assault)


  1. nepal village
  2. nepal shrine
  3. oasis university
  4. li jiang tower control center


  1. any first point
  2. king’s row (OMG OPAF)

escort :disappointed_relieved:

  1. Rialto

On these maps, GOATS is frequently used in Contenders and Overwatch League
(the highest level of Overwatch play)

good luck getting out of elo h*ll friends

see you in plat

PS. To all those grandmasters that are all like " look at this bronze Nub trying to explain to his other bronze buddies how to escape bronze cuz they ain’t gud enough. This kid probably a total nerd in school and won’t even make it to silver omegalul. He probably watches OWL cuz he ain’t gud enough play lel. I bet he haz like no friendz.

first of all, how did you know?! whaaaaa!!! are you stalking me?! except for the last part… I has friends :grinning:

second, I will bet you a million dollars that you have been run over by some variation of GOATS

third, do you have nothing better to do like throwing games or yelling toxic stuff into the mic

( I know this is not all Grandmasters and only a small amount. I am only speaking to the ones that say that your ideas doesn’t matter if you are lower than diamond )


I also think goats is broken, but allot of times you’ll run into teams that just can’t play it. Even if they have the heroes, they aren’t used to sticking together enough to really use it’s strength and the enemy’s only semi counter basically wins them the fight from there.

Extremely powerful, and great to have on your tool belt to be able to play and counter. But not completely spammable for anyone but a rein 2000 sr below their skill level.

Why does a bronze player know more about GOATS and how to run it properly than most of my fellow plats I group up with?

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Cuz bronze and silver obsess about team comp more than any other rank.

To OP, given how much thought you’ve put in this, you’d have more success with 5 people you can trust over 5 random from LFG. Try some low level tournament discords for finding a group.


The simple fact that there is a system like this to actually rank up and anything else is a free lose does shows how much overwatch is BS. Like seriously.

Why shouldn’t I be able to rank up with using Goats?

How do I stop playing this game and not miss it?

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i have no idea why i a still in bronze my man i guess my mechanics are true trash

The reason its good in lower ranks is because the team is actually communicating something useful. I could climb up to diamond literally just running pirate ship, because it is a very good strategy in lower elo that no one does.

but i see pirate ship on every game in junker town

because i run it in every game in junkertown

I run pirate ship occassionally in diamond as the bastion. I have the tracking of like a masters player but gamesense of a plat so its very good for me.

The big problem with this is that in low ranks nobody knows how to stop a bastion so when the opponent sees double shields (or even just a good rein that knows anything about shield management) they switch to bastion and instantly the team panics, the shields fall, there’s no concentrated damage and there goes the push/defense.
On the last 30 or so games I’ve played there were about 6 of them where the opposite team didn’t think “crap, we’re losing…bring out the bastion” and the amount of success they had is shameful.

bastion is trash vs GOATS just chase him down and kill him with lucio speed amp and D matrix.

having 0 mobility is the worst thing you can do vs GOATS

Yes, theory is a beautiful world all on its own but show me a bronze/silver team that can pull that off consistently…it’s only when I hit gold that I started to see people taking down bastions semi-consistently…even in silver people see a bastion and become lemmings, throwing themselves off the bastion-cliff one at a time.

well if i had a video of it i would

but I have done it on lunar colony before

vs bastion orisa

The word I wanted to put emphasis on was “consistently”. I’ve seen a Mercy killing a bastion too; doesn’t mean it’s a good idea.
I mean, let’s be honest, just because you watched videos of how things should work doesn’t mean they work at our ranks.

no really i pulled it of on horizon in solo que

should be no prob in lfg

i guess neptuno might kill a bastion if the bastion player was blind and had no arms

Well, I hope it works for you and that I’ll be seeing you in gold in a few weeks :smiley:

k once get back to the us

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ROFL I see pirate ship constantly in low gold on junkertown.