Level 0 Endorse creates toxic enviroment

I am watching my friend who got un-banned and every game people are pointing out his level and telling everyone to NOT endorse him so he cant talk. This change is making Overwatch a more toxic environment.


That does not surprise me one bit. :man_facepalming: The toxic “positivity” crowd are out in full force.

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People out en masse saying to not endorse another? The heck.

I’ve been E5 twice, and now I have to work for it a THIRD time already. >_<

Maybe your friend should have grown up before playing OW.

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My friend prob got banned for only using bad words. My mate is not toxic, the report system is lol.

Not everyone does that. Just play as usual and eventually he will get back to 1 and… probably goes back to 0 again :rofl:


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never seen this before
sounds like your friend is getting an extended punishment via community vote to me

I can believe this happened once, I can buy that it may have even happened twice, but every game? I don’t believe you.