Lets's be real with Mercy as a whole right now. She's fine

So…not sure if I’m in the minority or not, but…am I the only one who feels Mercy is pretty balanced right now?

How she is in the game right now is pretty fine to me. She’s easy to use, has good mobility(with teammates around), and has a make or break ability that’s pretty risky to use.

I know many say “REVERT MERCY BACK, SHE WAS SO MUCH BETTER THEN! HER REWORK WAS A FAILURE”, but…is that really the case?

With Mercy’s old Ult…it was WAY stronger then what it is now.
For comparison:

Mercy(Old) had Multi Rez for an ultimate and once you pressed E, it was out. No stopping it once it was out(one of the few abilities in the game that could do that). And getting Mercy’s ultimate, before and now, is pretty easy. That’s a easy multi-rez every 30 seconds or so!
That might be a bit of an exaggeration, but the point is, she could have multi-rez in a short time span, be invincible once activated, and was the biggest game changer for how brutal it was for the enemy team. Mercy…was a MUST with that alone. Mercy is picked a lot now, but DANG did you feel like it was Mercy or bust a lot more!

Mercy(Present), With Rez being an ability, it certainly makes her Rez a bit more used, but it’s more dangerous now. Valkyrie as an ult, depending on the person, is hit or miss. Some find it overwhelming, some find it weak, some find it removes her weakness, and others just find it aiming practice for widow and Hanzo. :smirk:

Regardless of what you think, it’s still pretty useful and isn’t powerful as multi rez. Some may not think that, but a of lot times, multi rez was used after their team was wiped via multi Ults near the end of a match/overtime. It drew fights out longer and made fights harder for either side on a rather high scale.

Imagine your team gets wiped out after both teams clash, but during the scuffle, as Mecree, and you pull off High Noon and wipe out the rest of the enemy team. Only you and Mercy remain, quite a distance away from one another(since you needed to position yourself for your ult).
Immediately after, Mercy flies in, Rezs ALL of her teammates before your team has a chance to respawn, meaning you’re severely screwed outta winning.

In that same situation, with rez as an ability, you can rez someone, but risk the mecree headshoting you.

You both still need to be on high caution and be on your A game. Old Mercy could more easily swoop in and rez everyone, and even if you knew it was coming and try to swarm her, once she’s close enough and presses E, that’s a done deal right there.

And also, for those saying, “Just remove rez”…Mercy would lose what makes her so special. It’s also a maker or breaker for a game(on a much more better scale) like a lot of other abilities like Lucio’s Speed boost, Zen’s discord, Mecree’s Flashbang, D’va’s DM Matrix, the list goes on. Maybe they differ in worth and practicality in most matches(and maybe Rez compared to other secondary abilities might sound like a no contest to some of you), but it does make a difference a lot of time…when used properly and well timed.

Now I’m no expert on game design or balancing, but I’m sure the problem the dev team has with Mercy is less the rez now and more her main kit(hence why they buffed the other support heroes and nerfed only her heal rate), but I don’t think it’s as bad as they think it is. Could be wrong, but that’s what I think anyway.

Just throwing out my 2 cents cause some act Mercy has been brutally murdered by the Dev team when in reality, they just wanna make other healer more viable to use. Which at this point I feel, they can’t do much more with Mercy because doing too much with her where she is now WILL gut her! They just gotta change the other healers in some areas.

Now matter what though, Mercy will always be a high pick simply because she’s the easiest healer to pick up & use and just has a more natural flow to what she does, rez or not. All the other healers are a bit more complex and require a bit more thought when doing things.


17 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018