Lets talk about Widowmaker

You’re asking to nerf a watered down sniper archtype, which exists in basically any FPS there ever was.
She would literally need a rework to fill a different type of DPS, because anything short of suggesting she’s got a laser sight at ~50m- would mean she can’t do anything McCree or Soldier already do.

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Again, I never asked for anything.

My own personal bias means nothing, when I just want to talk about the character.

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Very interesting to see how many people dislike snipers.

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I mean i hate facing good widows as much as the next guy but nerfing her when over 40% of the player base can’t even effectively use her CmonBruh


You’re implying that she’s broken and need changes. Even if you didn’t outright say it.


I hate assumptions. They are the worst kind of neglectful thought.

There is that better?

Can we actually discuss this now?

I see Widows as easy kill 80% of the time.

The other 20% can be a challenge😂


Then you should order your thoughts to a concise manner in the first post, or edit it to say as such.

As far as discussions, either people will learn to lean on their barrier tanks and frontline to avoid being popped by widow, or they die. A good widow is a stupidity checker in most cases, and will punish anything short of intelligent positioning.
Personally, if a Widow pops me in the head twice in a single match consecutively, I’ll start playing around her much more defensively since she’s obviously got my number.


I don’t like how Widowmaker kills everyone around me when I’m playing a tank. This is obvious with my attitude.

It really shows badly on my ability to tank, when people are so impatient that they can’t stand behind my barrier for more than 5 seconds before poking their head out and getting picked off.

I play like, as safe as I think necessary, and a lot of the time the players just don’t hide behind my barriers. It’s very difficult to tank properly when everyone just dies in front of my defensive tools.

I seriously don’t want to enable these players to continue this behavior, but I also dislike having teammates who refuse to work together. It just kills me.

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I think that shows how impatient people are in your ELO rather than your inability to tank, honestly. I have almost 100+hours on Rein, and I constantly have to remind tunneling dps to please remain seated behind the rectangle, and if they don’t listen, it’s not my fault, and I’ll tell them as much.
This is also why I mostly play comp in a stack with the teams I scrim w/ or against because they listen to me when I tell them not to do something or to push in.


I have no problem in platinum, it’s practically a joke. It’s the QP masses that really show me problems. They’re mostly diamond/master/gm now in my games, and they’re quite accurate. It makes for games of absolute torture, when the team continues these behaviors time after time, day after day.

How do you get to diamond/masters and not hide behind the barrier against a t500 widow?

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they should rework her and make her more useful in terms of dps and take the insta kill from her

She’s balanced because:

  1. Her ult is trash. Sure, you can see where the enemy is, but that isn’t going to help your accuracy.

  2. She can’t one-shot Tanks.

  3. If you’re standing behind a shield or barrier, you’ll be fine.

  4. Her gun needs to charge before she can one-shot you.

  5. She’s useless in most 1 on 1 fights. The only times she wins is when her opponent is already low or her opponent is relatively bad.

Aside from that, she’s a bloody sniper. A sniper’s job is to get headshots and quick kills on squishy heroes. Taking away her one-shot ability and the things that help her even a little bit would make her pointless.


Might as well remove her from the game at that point. A sniper who can’t insta-kill is pointless.


yes nerf widow actually remove her from the game thanks

You’re like the 6th or 7th person to reply, thinking this a nerf thread. It literally says, LETS TALK ABOUT WIDOWMAKER as the title.

paladins got 2 sniper who dont insta kill and still be a reliable dps

Ugh… as much as I don’t like Paladins, that is a decent point. One of the snipers also has a little snare that makes it difficult to run from her.

Except Widow is area denial, not a straight up DPS. Insta-kill is an important part of what makes her viable in-game, at least in the hands of someone who can use her. Taking away her ability to insta-kill would just make her an inferior Soldier, and at that point, you might as well remove her from the game.

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There was a point, where she had a considerably weaker headshot, and a stronger body shot. This was changed in order to prevent her from killing Tracer and Zenyatta with a single body shot. Zenyatta was later buffed to be 200 hp, and Tracer is basically the same.