Lets talk about those changes on PTR!

Disclaimer 1: All these thoughts and opinions come from a Console player. So, i cant actually test this stuff out. Im just going by what they look like "on paper"

Disclaimer 2: These thoughts and opinions come from someone who plays all three roles (and every hero), to varying degrees.

Not sure if its something ill use or not, but i like the concept

Whoo! Baptiate buffs. I’m really happy to see these.

Granted, I would have been happier to see Exo boots work with the jump button instead of Crouch. Or for him to have a “Semi-auto” reload setting (doesnt auto reload when only one ammo is at 0, but does auto reload when both ammos are at 0).

Though, my ideas are more QoL than true buffs, but i would like to seem them.

Anyway, the stuff on the PTR looks great.

Im happy about this. If D.Va needed a nerf, this a good one to give her. Though, im curious why such a dramatic drop. Why not go down to 12 instead of cutting it by 1/3 in one go?


Small buff, but nice. Looks promising.

EDIT: Upon looking at a tweet/video that OBids42 mentioned (the comment below this one), i really like the new buff. Looks great. Im excited for it.

This is really good. I cant wait for this one.

Nice. Anything that makes teleport into a more useful ability, I’m all for it.

Come on, man. A Torb nerf? Really? He’s finally in a decent place, so now we gotta nerf the hell out of him? Ugh.

I’m really excited for this. It sounds great. Looking forward to trying it out.

Cool. Nice little Sombra change there.

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This is anything but a small buff.

He fires so fast now it’s insane. Check out aimbotcalvin’s twitter if you don’t believe me.


Well, like I said, I can only look at it on paper. I can’t play it.

Sorry I only saw that after I posted.

But seriously this buff is huge. You can consistently double headshot a target that is still stunned. I recommend checking out YouTube to look for some game play of the buff.


Its okay. I checked out the Twitter thing you mentioned, I see what you mean. It looks really good

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Huge buff. Freaking amazing buff. Hes gonna be op. I already see the forums on fire. He will be reverted or damage will be reduced . As a cree main i love it…but this wont stay. I dont even think it will come to live servers.

Yes, yes. Me and OBids42 already talked about it. I even changed the original post to reflect that. Yes, it is a good buff. Calm down. Lol.

Must be a lot of McCree fans on the forums. Lol.

Too bad we couldn’t get this McCree Buff when archives was around or when junkenstein Revenge was in arcade the other day. That would helped

I can almost bet he wont hit the live servers as is now on ptr. That firerate is insane. He ll shred everything.

Yeah, but if it sticks, that’ll be cool. Especially for the PVE events. Honestly, McCree was the weakest part of my game when I played retribution and junkenstein. If he keeps this buff, I’ll feel more confident about picking McCree for that purpose

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As a McCree fan, I am pretty salty that he got a negligible buff. It is annoying how much Twitter videos influence people’s opinions. Rofl.

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That’s fair. I didn’t think it was a huge thing until I saw that Twitter video the one guy went on about. At first I’m just like oh this looks nice. Haha.

Everybody else is making it out to be this big thing. You swear they put flash bang on 2 Second cool down or something. Lol.

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the problem i have with the dva nerfs is that there are not compensating just nerfing. if you played lots of dva since the beginning you basically had to change your entire play style.

I get what you’re saying but she has been dominating for a long time now. Even before goats was a thing she was an incredible pick. so, I think they’re just trying to tone that down. They’re not trying to Nerf her into the ground, theyre just trying to balance her.

Maybe this is too much. Maybe it’s too little. I get why some of the D.Va Mains are upset, but your character isn’t special. If there’s an issue, it needs dealing with.

Yes, maybe this will over Nerf her. I’m not sure. I don’t want her to turn into the next brig, but in the same aspect I see what they’re trying to do. We’ll just have to see.

All the being said, I still think it would have been a better idea to go down to 12 though. Why go all the way down to 10 m in the first shot? When you could just gradually see if the change works. you know what I mean?

I think a lot of people are underestimating how much of a buff the DM change is to DPS, a lot of borderline DPS characters like Tracer, Sombra, Reaper and Roadhog are becoming viable thanks to DM not being able to peel at 10+ meter ranges without Boosters as well. For the frontline the DM nerf changes nothing, but for the backline they’re going to have to deal with flankers by themselves more often now. It also makes Roadhog and Reaper a lot scarier, Hook gets more consistent kills without DM at ~ equal range and having to be at/within 10 meters to DM a Reaper is not where you want to be when DM runs out.

On the one hand, I think it’s just another nerf that D.va players are going to learn to compensate for, but on the other I think it gives DPS more room to exploit bad positioning and on ladder that’s the order of the day.


I honestly wasn’t surprised with the D.Va nerf and McCree buff, the only one that I don’t like is the Torb nerf, Torb doesn’t really need a nerf he is very balance now.

I hope Replays wasn’t their well overdue social feature from last year. Otherwise Torbjorn got nerfed, why? Some of this balancing is one again questionable. Meanwhile some other heroes such as Bastion still don’t see the light of day, Mercy remains a bit of a chore compared to other main healers, and the matches in general seem to still be awful (with a few rare matches every so often making Overwatch appear enjoyable to play for those brief moments).

…Why are Orisa buffs really good?

The timing behind this orisa buff is strange considering her pick rate and the rise of bunker

Right? A couple bronze players and some quick play dude whines on the forum about him and all of a sudden he’s OP? Pfft.

Guess we are balancing around bronze players now. I can’t wait for those Reaper nerfs :roll_eyes:

Because her reload takes forever. If I wanted to choose between attacking and using a shield, I would play Reinhardt.

Uhh, she got a buff. What are you talking about?

Sorry, i meant buff lol. Strange timing for it