Let's talk about Roadhog

Roadhog is in an awful state right now

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& Blizzard probably won’t buff him because they don’t like to buff heroes like Roadhog and Zarya.


Fix his hook when on higher and lower areas. Fix it allowing people to run away before I even get a shot off when I hook them.

Wholehog needs a change.

TBH he needs the hook’s bugs fixed and a CD of 6 seconds again. He’s tankier but has less damage, so it would make sense to make it a more accessible ability

Old Hog was cancer.

“Lemme throw this giant projectile at you and one-shot you without barely trying just because lol.”

He was easy mode Widow, except the hook is even better because if he didn’t one-shot you by some miracle of the universe (this never happened unless you stack armor/shields), you were still gonna get shredded by chip dmg due to the MASSIVE meatshot he just got on you.


Roadhog needs tweaks, not a complete reversion. The easiest fix is to give back is his old “BS” hook (hook 1.0). As an alternative, reduce the hook cool down back to 6 seconds.

Dunno if you read my post explaining how old Hog was balanced.
The early versions of the hook was BS, huge hitbox with zero LOS checks, that was pretty bad.
But if you look at the Hog right before the scrap gun changes went live, that Hog was fine.

Because he is tankier, he feeds more. If Blizzard wishes to keep Roadhog as a damage sponge (as much as I’d hate that), then they should consider a passive that makes him feed less. If they don’t want him to be a damage sponge or be the old Hog he used to be, then completely rework the hero into something else.


I miss OG Hog so much ;_; I should not be able to solo a Hog under any circumstances.

His hook should never EVER break, he needs more health, his base potshot and spread should do more damage, and should have his hook cooldown reduced to like 7 or 6 as the hook is the entire point of his kit.

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50% less damage reduction = 50% less ult charge.
He actually feeds less.

Enough of those.


I know, right? Hog is close to balanced right now. His hook needs a bit of love, but that’s really about it.

The real sad part is that people used to have much better positioning when roadhog was a merciless punisher.

Since the nerf, positioning has gone to hell across the board. IMO, it’s part of the reason Dive became dominant. When hog was on the board before, you couldn’t afford to have people out on their own all the time because if he hooked them, they died and your push was over before it began.

The moment they nerfed him, Tracer started to go out of control.

He wasn’t a hard counter to her, or anything, but just the threat of getting picked meant you couldn’t be reckless and play anywhere near as aggressively as you did during the height of dive (just before Brigitte was released).

The hog nerf didn’t cause dive, but it did heavily contribute to it. I think dive would have become a thing regardless, but nerfing Hog had the same effect on dive that releasing Brigitte had on the snipers. It just pushed a forming problem out in the open for everyone to see.

Today it’s double sniper. Not because Brigitte was released, but because she was released at the same time that Junkrat was nerfed into the F-tier along with the Hanzo rework pushing him straight into the god tier. It would have happened eventually as widow and hanzo players got better and better, but the other changes kicked it immediately into overdrive.


TaB only lasts for 2 seconds, and is on a 8 second cooldown. He only feeds less during the time of using TaB, which is 2 seconds every 8 seconds, and that is assuming that you’re just spamming it. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a Roadhog spam E everytime it’s up. So I’ll say this: he feeds less during TaB, but feeds overall the same amount, if not more, than oldHog.


Actually, now he feeds more.

The amount of ult you feed is directly related to how much damage you can sustain before you die since you cannot feed ult change while dead.

Before, hog used to take 600 damage, maybe get in some of a heal, and die to repeated headshots while he was stationary or focus fire. In total he might have contributed 7-800 ult charge.

However, with the damage reduction, he’s not contributing 7-800 ult change between deaths. Because he’s surviving longer and not dying, he’s got more up-time which means more opportunity to farm ult from him. I’d be stunned if his average damage taken per life wasn’t up to 12-1500 per life now at some levels, or higher.

You see, the problem is that when Jeff said “he’ll generate less enemy ult charge”, he was, for lack of a better term, wrong. You don’t generate less ult charge by taking reduced damage immediately.

You generate less ult charge by taking less damage overall. And that’s not what that particular buff did.


I dunno where you have been playing him dude but in comp, he is pretty much useless.
His hook is about as inconsistent as I have ever seen, the rng spread of his pellets is a lucky dip so even if you do somehow miraculously manage to hook someone, there is no guarantee that you are going to do any damage with his shotgun.
And his ult now that’s a whole new level of fun, with doomfist punching right through it or brig bashing through it while the opposition all the while laughing at how underwhelming it is.
“Oh Someone is using their ult! Watch out! Actually it’s only roadhog never mind” this reply sounds salty l know that’s because it is!.
No disrespect dude l am just a salty fat boy player.

Hook should really have some physics to it too. Like if the target is slightly behind a wall at a certain angle, it should still work. The tension would allow for the chain to make small bends around corners, but only if the target was hit in the first place (like when you jump to the side while hooking and slightly go behind a wall)

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i 100% agree with that

Don’t stop the horizontal momentum, STOP ALL MOMENTUM. When a speed boosted via Lucio pharah uses a concussion blast and a jump jet at the same time and consequently moves a million miles an hour, don’t just make pharah stop moving sideways. stop her from going 50,000 feet in the air too.

P.S. though, blizzard did a good job with the hook, im satisfied with hog right now.

I’ve been saying on these forums on every Hog thread that he should get some changes. I don’t think he should be completely reverted to his old damage. I just want his 2 main utilities (hook & scrap gun) to be consistent.

These 2 things have a bunch of RNG and bugs to them that Old Hog never had. Sure his gun always had a random spread to it. But it was less noticeable because his damage was pretty high back then. I do think he should get a damage buff (around 5-10%) but most importantly, get a consistent spread to it (this should be added for all shotgun wielding characters). His old damage was a lot to the point of him being a better Reaper. I still want Reaper to be a tank buster better than Hog because that is his main purpose in the game.

His hook needs a lot of love. The LoS checks should be adjusted because now it breaks randomly on characters when it shouldn’t. I also think it should have the same treatment as Sombra’s hack (same suggestion from Dr.Riku in his video). If it breaks for some reason, it should get a reduced cooldown and not the full cooldown. I also think lowering his hook down to 6 seconds wouldn’t be bad or making the hook dame be increased from 30 to 50.

But of course, I don’t think many people want Hog buffed considering that no one likes being hooked at all. Also most people on the forums think he is “completely balanced” so good luck convincing them otherwise.

Just my opinion on Hog. I don’t want Old Hog back completely, I just want him to be consistent in his utilities (hook & gun).


look how much roadhog has been used in the world cup…he was used for like 3 seconds and didnt fire a single shot, hog is going great

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Eh, if you want me to be completely honest with you, Roadhog is decent only in high tier play. Not because the hero itself is powerful.
Like I said, the only reason why Roadhog is even played is because of Halt+Hook combo. If Orisa didn’t enable Roadhog in the way that she does, then Roadhog would almost never be picked, because the other off-tanks offer so much more than Roadhog, and the other off-tanks feeding is justified by their utility. Not the case with Roadhog.
Overall, I do think Roadhog is weak, in pro-play and even in the ladder, he’s a bit of a bad pick. He’s definitely more useful in pro-play.