Let's revisit this... Blizzard DOES listen to its community

One thing is listening to the community. Another thing is ignoring the community until the problem grows like with Brigitte and the try to solve it.

Just remember Doomfist. He was broken as hell. Literally unplayable with 20+ bugs that you could see for yourself by playing a custom game against bots during 5 minutes.

What did they do? Here, you have Moira to play!.
One guy had to make a post stating all the Doomfist bugs for Blizzard to acknowledge something. And the worst part was Blizzard saying “We want more posts like this”.
It had an incredible amount of work that post.
We bought the game to play, not to spend hours and hours to make a post so Blizzard can fix things, after what, two months?

Even if they went back on specific changes they would be reverted into a new meta/game. It would never be what it was, unless they reverted every change made since then.

I have come to the conclusion they are forced to work on these new Cell phone games they are trying to push, instead of Fixing overwatch.

  • This season’s competitive play is by far the WORST season there ever was.
  • Jeff no longer posts once a week or every other week on youtube.
  • The comments from Dev’s have gone silent, the only time a person can grab their attention, is from absurd posts that a moderator has to step.
  • When Dev profiles when PRIVATE, we knew they were leaving.

I rightly say that checking the NASDAQ ATVI’s stock prices and the lack of the topics mentioned above, outline the current state of Dev participation

I am going to assume the company wants them working on other projects now. just like how the company abandoned World of Warcraft.


This is an opinion obviously, and if a general census was made and the statistics were looked at I am sure it is a better season than season 1 in nearly all aspects.

Of course they listen. It’s a silly complaint.

What people should actually say is that the devs are too reluctant to act on community feedback. Which i think is a flawed proposition too, since we’re just as hit and miss on balance things.

that doomfist thing was kinda worse when you think about it.
When someone asked the devs what they planned for doomfist their response was along the lines fo them not knowing what was wrong at all with the hero followed by the guy linking some doomfist posts that had gathered info and bugs on him.

I agree with you 100%, BUT blizzard doesn’t officially have Straw polls on their page anymore so we will never know. I would say that the influx of complaints on the Competitive discussion mode, have gone from where it normally is, to an all-time high.

But again, yes it is opinion based. Given the ATVI NASDAQ, I would say that player satisfaction dropped to an all-time low because the stock prices have been falling so rapidly since This season began. That their shares are reflecting this perfectly. :frowning:

Cite my sources and take a look at ATVI share-trends in comparison to the various patch dates and announcements.

If they listen to the community why did they just lock my forum post?

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Blizzard listens, they just listen to the wrong people

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A lot of people here don’t understand the difference between “listening” and “disagreeing”.

Blizzard does listen. They’ve made that clear. They’ve nerfed and buffed many heroes due to popular demand.

People whined about Mercy’s rez, she got reworked. People complained Torb needed a rework, he got reworked. Symmetra was complained about, reworked. People complained Dva was a “defense matrix bot”, they reduced defense matrix use time and gave her missiles. People said Widow was OP back in the earlier days, they nerfed her. People complaind about Horizon Lunar Colony, they modified the map.

The list goes on and on. They’re obviously always listening but that doesn’t mean they’re always going to agree with us and for good reason.

If us players were in charge of the game entirely we’d run this game into the ground.

Why does this really matter?

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Yup I agree.

Back when Blizzard was propelling their Cash Cow, known as “world of wacraft” to Popularity they use to NEVER “NERF” stuff. They did the correct thing, which was;

If that character was dying easily or not keeping up, they built it up MORE. This was so that the player whom favored the class didn’t feel “cheated”. Then when they introduced Wrath of the Lich King, they began a mistake of “taking away” from stuff or as we know ‘The nerf’ . This is dangerous in itself, because player perception is all about gains.

Taking away something in a game is a Mistake. Blizzard found this out to be True with Resto druids which created MASSIVE community backlash, and again with The Mercy Rez change.

The bottom line is, they take stuff away from a Character it makes the player VERY angry.