Let's Revisit the Absurdity of "Hide and Rez"

Can I ask an honest question about Mass Rez? I wasn’t around for it, so I have no personal experience on which to form an opinion.

I don’t understand why, even if hide and rez was a a thing, why it mattered? I can name several DPS ults where they do the exact same thing. How do you know Reaper is about to ult, because he’s nowhere to be found looking for his moment when he can drop from above and get a penta. McCree has to hide to do his ult. Junk hides to use his ult, so why is there a double standard to Mercy hiding to do her ult. This is the one thing I’ve never understood.

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I would suggest creating a unique thread for this question then.

Or, I could ask here, in this thread all about mass rez?

This is the attitude and mindset people need when playing Mercy. If you already think Mercy is bad and boring you will think that when playing her. Or in Titanium’s case never playing her for almost 2 years with no experience of the past few versions of Mercy.


The argument to that is that a DPS being not around isn’t as bad as a support

You can still stay alive with less than one dps, you have a significantly harder time staying alive without a healer

Generally speaking one of your teammates should have the awareness to always spot when someone is preparing to jump out and do an ult

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This thread is about the validity of hide n rez. Not mass itself. Or reply to a mass Rez itself. Titanium has many a thread and that includes mass Rez itself.

Yeah but posting in dead topics is called necroing and frowned upon~

And my question was about why it mattered if Mercy did hide n rez? Seems valid to me, guess we can agree to disagree?

I have not said mercy is boring.
She is bad design as of now Imo. But her base kit hasn’t changed enough to make het flat bad.
My opinion of Mercy doesn’t make her better or worse in design.

Yeah. Thus why I originally suggested an original thread.

I started writing this 3 days before I posted it.

Hide and rez involved Mercy leaving a fight to let her teammates die so she could resurrect them. Blizzard didn’t like how Mass rez encouraged this so they reworked Mercy. As for dps. Damage heroes aren’t always doing damage. They need opportunities to enable them to do damage. A dps hiding briefly for a flank or ult isn’t as harmful as a Mercy doing the same because Mercy is designed to be consistently healing or being ready to heal. A dps hiding doesn’t cause any harm to a team; a Mercy hiding reduces much-needed healing and could get teammates unnecessarily killed.

Questioning the validity of doing it and the validity of it happening is not the same.
I feel bad for titanium for posting a thing and having people turn it into other things entirely.

This is why I suggest another thread. All this does is spark a 'mass Rez hiding vs dps hiding" discussion. This is not the nature of titanium’s thread.

There’s a big difference in setting up your ult before a fight, like some DPS are required to do, and completly ignoring the teamfight while you’re hiding somewhere behind your team.

The DPS eventually has to take part in the teamfight to get value, Mercy could get her value after it

If a DPS is hiding the entire fight or too long, he wastes his ult and pretty much caused the teamfight loss because he was the reason the team was 5v6.

Mercy Hide and Ress caused a 5v6, some enemies die and Mercy resets the fight.
Best case scenario for the enemy team was a 6v6 where they have lost some ults.


Greylai said exactly what I am testing in the OP.

That is incorrect. I actually have never said that.

I have said that the tactic was rare, because if it wasn’t rare, we would have seen a deflation in Mercy’s pre-rework healing numbers compared to her post-rework (be pre-healing-nerf) healing numbers.

is this a necro from when they fixed mercy?

If you don’t think she is boring, and you don’t think she is bad, why do you have a problem with her? Why do people feel the need to invalidate current Mercy players that enjoy her and claim they don’t have skill?

Are there?

Because the only ones I have seen are either double-standards, are simply illogical, or both.

Could you name some of these “reasons”?

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I don’t think she’s boring for others. So I don’t say she is boring. She is quite boring for me. That doesn’t invalidate anyone else’s opinion.

I think she’s bad design. Design in this game and any game and any media should be looked at critically. For mercy, her design is bad even though her overall power Imo is… middling. She’s fine. Not good. A bit ut imo but that’s not flat bad.

I don’t think youre invalid for liking valk or mercy. I like valk too. Because it’s bloated and a terribly bad deaign of an ult I can have fifteen seconds of absolute promised value. I increased my play of Mercy because of this.
Not the best reason imo

I have never said this. I cannot speak for others. And people said mercy had no skill before her rework. This is not new.

This describes #reworkmercy and Titanium threads perfectly in my opinion.

Did you notice something? I said, “In my opinion”. Something you need to learn to say because everything you claim about Mercy is an opinion, not a fact like you try to present it as.