Let's Revisit the Absurdity of "Hide and Rez"

Again, fair is fair. If its fair to over simplify the reason and problem behind hide and Rez, then it is only fair to do the same in return for everyone and everything. You know that I know whats really up with it. You know that I know its a gross over simplification. And yet, since gross over simplification is the only thing afforded to Mercys, its the only thing I am affording to anyone else.

Or, maybe we all could start giving everyone the appropriate consideration to context.


There is also a moment near the start of teamfights and/or pushes onto a point when a good Mercy player knows it is time to support her team with Valkyrie - healing and/or damage boost and/or drawing fire off teammates and/or rezzing and/or using pistol to take out lone snipers

In my opinion, a good Mercy player identifies and capitalizes on those moments with Valkyrie

In any case, when teammates never (no matter who is on the team, match after match afetr match, as has been described) have no ability to keep themselves alive or to kill enemies, I see no possibility of a win, except if the other team is even less competent, which doesnt seem possible given the description we have been provided of every match ever.

Valkyrie comes with pros and cons (mostly pros) just like any other ult, the only difference is that no one cares to pick apart the downsides of the other support hero ultimates.

In my opinion Valkyrie is on par and is competitive with other support ultimates but I also acknowledge they are mostly intended to serve different purposes.

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How am I over simplifying it? Genuinely curious.


You don’t understand that teamwork in lower rank comp is a rarity. Mercy is ez as hell to play, you don’t even need to look at the person you are healing. If you know slingshot and have some awareness you basically mastered her. Her ult should not be anything that has the ability to undo team wipes. Do you know how hard it is to wipe a team in comp with few teamwork? Talk about unfair. Valk is perfect.

As part of duo, it’s in the hands of teammate in that duo. Once we actually won game like that, as Pharah ulted and wiped out group of enemies on Hanamura, and we captured second point on our own(teammates couldn’t make it).

Why they couldn’t make it, despite enemy team being busy with shooting me and Pharah, is another question, just like why enemy Orisa managed to not headshot Pharah during ult, when shield was still holding(not for long, thanks to damage boost).

With the above taken as assumed for sake of argument, the Mercy doesn’t need to be able to rez multiple teammates - the Mercy only needs to rez the Pharah, since it is Mercy and Pharah that will be pushing payloads and capturing points, not any of the other teammates who are unable to kill opponents or remain alive

With teammates, that would be easier, even if they serve no other purpose, but being extra targets. While Pharah is busy doing actual work, it’s still useful to have more targets for enemy team to practice on. May even boost some of them, to give an impression, that it’s actual key player.

To me, it seems as if they are just in the way, since they arent valued enough to be healed, boosted, or supported. In fact, if they arent killing the enemy and are simply dying to them, they could be viewed as feeding

It sounds like in the stated scenario - the “this always is the case” scenario, as was described - the risk of rezzing (even if it is all 4 of the other teammates aside from Pharah) presents negative value

As long as I got ult to counter team wipe, that feeding is not an issue. In fact, I am counting on it, as such easy win makes other team overconfident. That delicious team wipe, that can give you play of the game, is hard to resist.

Would be negative value, if they were jumping off map. They still are trying to do something, but not successful in it.

In the “this is every game played” scenario described, rezzing the other 4 aside from Pharah, players who only die and do not kill the enemy, would only provide a quicker means for the enemy to build even more ult charge - ie, create negative value - making things harder on the Pharmercy combo who are the only ones contributing to the chance of victory

Woah this thread has been blown out of proportion.

Alright I’ll give my opinion.

I’ve been in GM since Season 6 and I hit Masters from Season 4 to 5.

So I’ve been around during the “Hide and Rez” days and grinded through diamond to hit Masters.

It was “common” to a certain extent. If you ever wanted to climb out of the lower ranks ie. Plat (sometimes Diamond) and below needed to learn the concept of Tempo Resurrecting. Due to Resurrects extremely low charge rate you could use multiple Tempo Resurrects faster than hiding and waiting for a Mass Rez meaning you could collectively get 5 players Resurrected in two uses of Rez.

I’ve took cover to Rez. I did and I won’t deny that I did. BUT there is a difference between hiding and taking cover which is the most common misconception when it comes to arguments that were used during the “pro mass Rez removal” era.

It was very common for a Mercy to predict when a fight was going to happen so they would slip behind a corner to take cover. To this day ALL Supports take cover during an ult fight or spread apart from their teammates. Zen and Lucio being the biggest ones when playing the Sombra vs Zen/Lucio matchup so the EMP doesn’t ruin there chances to ult (or stay alive).

Supports were the best when it comes to ult tracking especially the ones with defensive ultimates. Mercy having to be extra good at ult tracking to better position herself because her getting caught in a grav was a lost team fight unless she was ulted but Zen. The other 2 supports needed ult tracking but positioning wasn’t as crucial.

I do think Mass Rez had issues but I do think they could’ve changed the overall mechanic of Mass Rez into individual Resurrects over a short period of time all with a cast time of 1 second on each Rez and only 1 Resurrect per ally (kind of like the Genji blade of support ultimates). So it’d be a Mass Rez over a period of time and would reward Mercy for surviving in a fight with good use of GA. Opening up more possibilities for utility in her kit like a projectile that does damage.

But anyways to sum everything up. Yes Hide and Rez did happen. Mostly in lower ranks or the Mercy’s that were padding stats to climb by utilizing the 5 man Rez exploit (which was patched out). People need to understand the concept of a Hide and Rez vs a Take cover and Rez. Mass Rez needed a rework, not to be replaced entirely. Mercy needed an ability to help her stay engaged in a fight and I think some kind of a projectile wouldve worked on a skill that can be transferred to another hero would’ve been more beneficial.


That’s why I still will heal and boost them: to ensure, that enemy team will spend ults on them, and not on me or Pharah. Mostly it’s just “they got healing ult, unleash our ults” reaction, since players are impatient and correctly assume my ult to be only small nuisance.

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In the description provided, the Mercy only plays in a Pharmercy combination, which means the Mercy is not healing the other 4 on the team

Still healing them, but Pharah is in priority. And with Valkyrie, I could easily drop teammates and quickly fly over to objective to patch up Pharah. Besides, I will be reported for throwing, if I will not heal them at all(even while Pharah player isn’t happy about it).

Not very pleasant feeling to use them as baits, since I can’t bring them back or save them, but we still have to win somehow.

Stories about players playing competitive, while drunk, turned out to be true.

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Its amazing how in every match one plays, only the Mercy and the Pharah are competent players, and at the same time said Mercy and Pharah are able to win enough games while refusing to use key elements of the characeter kits to yet remain steady in a given elo/rank rather than slipping unavoidably into the bottom levels of SR

Those two must be amazingly good

Good enough to stay in gold, at least. If there is three players group from Platinum, we most likely will lose. Been less than 100 SR away from Platinum at one point, but didn’t make it. Though I miss points for golden guns more, than rank itself.

You keep saying that as if people are glossing over the whole Hide and Res thing.

But multiple people, myself included, have explained exactly what Hide and Res was, and how it was different from “other hiding ults”.

You are the only one trying to oversimplify things here, just because actually looking at the details of things doesn’t convenience you.


Was how common Hide and Rez was ever brought up by the devs in the reasoning for removing it? :thinking: Honest question, I cant recall.

If not, then… I guess this post is just targeted towards people that were saying hyperbolic things like it was happening all the time etc? If so, I dont really understand the effort. I dont think many people take those types of arguments very seriously.


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No. It wasn’t.

I haven’t brought it up for the sake of debate, but yea… frequency had nothing to do with it. The devs didn’t like that it was done and rewarded at all, so they removed it. So, like you said, this thread doesn’t really accomplish much more than writing off hyperbole, even though it seems to be worded towards the contrary.