Let's Revisit the Absurdity of "Hide and Rez"

Some people do indeed see Soldier as a healer.

I am not pretending when I say that I get plenty of healing output from Mercy in the games I play her.

In fact, I almost always get gold healing when there is a second healer on the team - any healer

Would give up my golden healing medal(which I usually have) any day for higher hps as Mercy. Because to me it doesn’t matter, if I healed 5k or 10k, but only if teammates survived or died.

…and that is one of the many things makes her unique as a support

Personally, I am glad that each support brings something unique to the table, it makes the game far more interesting for me

who are you asking, Quiznos?

That brings back allowing teammates to die, that rework was supposed to make thing of the past.

I perceive him to be a healer with strong damage potential

I pick him for healing

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I think you’re being a bit(ironically enough) overly optimistic with regards to how much a single healer should be able to keep everyone alive

What really should matter is if you win not so much oh man I managed to keep every single person alive

Sure in theory Moira and Ana can burst heal tight situations but she’s screwed if she’s stuck on the defensive without anymore juice and Ana is busy fighting off her 3 flankers(jokes aside, one flanker will bully her a lot if she misses her one sleep dart)

That’s my way to win: by keeping teammates alive. They could be worst teammates in whole game, but as long as they are alive and on objective, we can win.

If I decide to count, how many teammates were killed right through my healing, with no chance for me to resurrect them(too dangerous, cooldown, etc.) that would be huge graveyard. And it feels a lot better to have graveyard with resurrected zombies, than real-life one, since zombies, at least, can be somewhat useful.

More like I am being realistic in my expectations of having second healer. Which conveniently are somewhere around 5% chance. 30%, if include healers, that refuse to heal, like DPS Moira or speedboost-only Lucio.

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Factually, it is not an opinion

Improvements to existing non-ultimate abilities have been made without changing them to ultimates. Many times, in fact.

I perceive no problems with this ability.

It has restrictions that a lot of people do not like, but I see these as necessary in order to balance the ability as a non-ultimate ability. I find this balancing to be adequate and proper.

No one is forcing anyone to discuss anything. Each reader can make a choice as to whether to discuss an item or not.

When an item is presented in a public forum, it is presented to all readers, not just the person being replied to.

As I see it, I am not the one attempting to control or limit open discussion in this case.

Factually, the incentive I described was removed when mass rez was (thankfully) removed

It is true that the strategy is available, but I dont it to be true that this is always used - in part because not everyone is on comms to coordinate such firing activity, in part because even those on comms will not necessarily agree to follow the orders of a teammate calling for focused fire, in part because teammates are sometimes fighting their own battles, and in part because teammates dont always have the same line of fire - and/or any combination of these

It’s often happening at random - players just happened to spot same enemy. Though it won’t be satisfying for victim to know, that it wasn’t on purpose, and just bad luck.

I feel like only one side of hide-and-resurrect was shared in the Hypothesis.

It wasn’t just because she wanted to ensure her own personal safety. Often times I was told to hide with resurrect so they can bait out ultimates and die on point together, so I can swoop in and undo it.

Vividly remember a game on Nepal: Village where the enemy Zarya had Graviton, and I was told to hide in the barn while they Grav-Tired. Everyone on point died, and I got a 5 man resurrect off of it.

That was not very uncommon, either. Hide-and-resurrect wasn’t just a selfish Mercy tactic. It was a tactic to pull out ultimates from the enemy team and undo it with one.


Factually, players in the games I play generally do survive when supported by Valkyrie

They just do

That said, I use my full kit and I use Valkyrie proactively rather than reactively and I dont ignore my teammates to support one buddy who plays Pharah.

Which could end in disaster, if enemy team comes to understanding, that this team wipe is setup to take away their ults. Even if one enemy saved their ult, this whole plan could backfire.

Titanium is the best forum user by a country mile.

The statement I made was in rpely to a statement made earlier that Mercy didnt do enough healing. I was stating that Mercy does more healing (for me) than the other healers on my team.

In a game that is to a great degree centered around 6 characters killing 6 others, i dont think healing should ever be more powerful than damage

I fail to see the connection between the two here.

One incentivized a healer to withhold healing from teammates, and the other doesnt

I often find that I have good success with it when I tell my teammates to stay relatively grouped together.

And even so…her ultimate shouldn’t have even more sustainability that they have no chance of dying. Not with its duration.

That can be applied to any ultimate in this game or any tactic. Any tactic with any hero could end in disaster. But those have more counterplay than swooping in and instantly resurrecting.

There are two things that are happening when people are setting this up, and this even happened in GM. You have a Mercy hiding on the enemy team - noticeably absent. You have someone trying to find her, all while there is a teamfight happening elsewhere.

The Mercy is either:

  1. Found, and her team crumbles and loses the fight
  2. Found, but your team lost too many people and even if you kill her, you’re still at a massive disadvantage
  3. Not found, your team died, and they still have resurrect
  4. Not found, the enemy team is dead, and she comes in to resurrect

With other ultimates, you can stop the ultimate in its process. But with resurrect, there was none of that.

If it was either, “I can hide and then come try to resurrect my teammates, but you can stop that process” or “I can’t hide with my resurrect because I need to be in the fight” - then it wouldn’t be an issue at all.

As a Mercy player, I much prefer this iteration of her. Maybe could use a slight buff in Valkyrie even more to give it more oomf, but I did not enjoy mass resurrect, and I do believe that hide-and-resurrect was a problem since…you know, I actually was the Mercy player during it and it was greater success to do that.


And like I said, that won’t be the case for Resurrect.

Then that is a problem for you to figure out. You not seeing it is not of my concern. Come back to me when you do see it.

And again, Resurrect as an ability makes the problems I’ve highlighted with “Hide n Res” twice as bad. The above which you’ve stated has nothing to do with “Hide n Res”. I’ve made myself very clear that I’m talking about “Hide n Res” so the fact that you’re talking about balance honestly bewilders me.

Exactly why I said I don’t want to discuss it and that it’s best kept to yourself.

I simply do not see as it as such. It is your job as the person writing the reply to make that distinction clear as the public forums indicated that everything in that specific reply was intended for me to read. Next time makes yourself clear that you were talking to everyone when talking about the opinion in the second paragraph. That way we can avoid predicaments like this.

Claiming this be factual is misleading.


“to withhold healing and let said healer’s teammates die.”

Is still incentivised. One example would be letting your low HP teammate simply die to Res them up again. It’s quicker and more effective.

Might I ask you not to be misleading as it misinforms those who genuinely do not know the real facts.

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