Let's Revisit the Absurdity of "Hide and Rez"

They said that in reply to you saying “the devs removed it because it was a problem”.

If you now argue that “everyone makes mistakes”, then you also argue that this change was possibly one of those mistakes.

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Of course, it could be a mistake. They took a risk reworking Mercy. That doesn’t mean it is a mistake though.

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They said “one of the problems we are seeing right now”
Not ‘mass rez is a problem.’

Funnily enough, their reasoning is also “in design”. Which I’m saying their reasoning is flawed.

Also you didn’t address anything else with what I said. Which oddly enough, the devs kind of do. I just disagree

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Sure. That doesn’t mean it was correct, either.

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I never claimed they said the exact words “Mass rez is a problem”, but it was heavily implied, and it was removed. They did say hide and rez was a problem. We were talking about hide and rez, not specifically mass rez. Unless you admit hide and rez was only prominent with mass rez?

Jeff: You have a weird moment where you stop healing your team, you go into hiding, and you start to tell your team “Everybody die on point, I have rez.” …There’s a couple things that we really don’t like about this. One, we think it’s wrong to tell a main healing character to go off and hide somewhere and stop healing for some time. The other thing is…a team puts a lot of effort into a team wipe…it’s pretty disheartening to have Mercy just erase that moment with a full team rez. So we felt like her resurrect was something that needed to be addressed.

Oh, he did say mass rez was a problem.

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No. Because I’ve literally said it occurs with current rez.

He does not say mass Rez as a mechanic is a problem. It’s hide n Rez. Which circles us back to me saying this extends beyond the intent of this post . Feel free to see how I feel about hide n Rez in a thread dedicated to just that:

I will say tho in short, that if the issue is problematic and rather than fixing the problem, you remove it altogether, REZ as a whole should have been removed.

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Rez helps make Mercy a DPS enabler she can get them back up when they get picked randomly

How does that enable just dps? It helps anyone to get back to the fight quickly.

DPS are the most likely to get picked because of low health and no self sustain.

Just pure healing power help tanks more than DPS.

Other than symm, every dps has mobility or self sustain or both. With a low hp pool, health per second: ie over time, dps get healed faster than tanks plus the added mobility and self sustain… This logic would mean mercy was a good tank enabler. She is not.

oh my god I just realized youre right

poor sym

maybe mc cree too but idk if flash bang counts here but lol combat roll

Jeff: You have a weird moment where you stop healing your team, you go into hiding, and you start to tell your team “Everybody die on point, I have rez.” …There’s a couple things that we really don’t like about this. One, we think it’s wrong to tell a main healing character to go off and hide somewhere and stop healing for some time. The other thing is…a team puts a lot of effort into a team wipe…it’s pretty disheartening to have Mercy just erase that moment with a full team rez. So we felt like her resurrect was something that needed to be addressed.

This all applies to mass rez.

Why would Mercy purposely stop healing her entire team to let one teammate die? All for the sake of one teammate, she abandons her team? No. It’s ludicrous to think hide and rez is still a thing. I never purposely stop healing to let someone die so I can rez them, and I’ve never seen any of the Mercy players I watch on youtube/twitch do this either. It’s too much of a gamble now rez has a cast time. The only time I would stop healing to try to save myself is if I know I can’t out heal the damage. Or if I need to prioritise my own life over my teammates life. In some situations it’s best the lest yourself die with your team so you aren’t staggered. Some people think Mercy hides during the cast time. Which is also untrue. During the cast time, the enemy knows where Mercy is, even if she is behind cover. She isn’t hiding. Being behind cover and hiding is not the same thing. The 1.75 seconds without healing is much less time than Mercy would spend out of a fight hiding for mass rez. Her team can also help her use rez, they couldn’t if they were all dead.

I don’t understand what your trying to say??

If you removed rez and gave mercy more healing power. Tanks benefit WAY more than DPS

What do you mean? Teleporter gives Symmetra mobility and shield health is self-sustaining. Plus she has photon barrier to protect both herself and her team.

Feel free to look at the link I gave you. I don’t feel this argument is to the nature of this thread

Teleporter gives the utility of mobility. Not the same as mobility.

Shields give utility sustain. See also zarya and zen. This is not like every other dps who has sustain. Unlike other dps who have it instantly, symm must wait for the mechanic to work .
Barrier is an ult. Not base kit.
She has utility. Not self sustain or mobility

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I just love reading this. Titanium puts a lot of dedication into these posts and yall come up with “yeah but its not gonna come back anyways so stop trying”

Guys, in history, things werent won because people gave up. Because people accepted something as reality and stopped bothering.

I personally liked Massrezz, as Mercy it gave me something to look forward to.

The only thing that needed to be changed was her invulnerability during the cast time. That was what made it all possible. If she isnt invulnerable during the cast time and you would be able to kill her during the cast time, you deserved that loss. Now that there is so much CC in the game, i think stunning her wouldnt be a problem either.

Remove the invulnerability. Thats all it took. And Blizz didnt see that, pulled out the nerf hammer and now we have this mess at hand.

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It has no cooldown, of course, she has to wait. It would be overpowered if she didn’t.

Teleporter is mobility. It might not be the best, but it is still mobility.

Photon Barrier is a very strong ultimate in my opinion. Why should she have photon barrier in her base kit? She has shield health, teleporter, more secondary damage, more primary damage and range, more turret damage and health. She takes more skill to play now. She is still situational, but much less so than before. She is designed to be that way.

I really don’t know why people have this idea that a company full of hired professionally paid developers didn’t get this simple idea but some people who played a FPS or two know all the ez answers to game balance and design

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oh its easy my man :smiley:

You see, I played the game. My peak was at around 30hrs straight. Like, no break. And the next day i jumped right back into it. (that was when i was still new to it and wanted to know everything, everything was new, everything was dope to begin with)

Do you think the professionals there play the game? Do you think the game devs play the game? Would you play the game after you sunk 8 hours into it to try and get one bug worked out? I think you wouldnt.

I dont say they dont know what theyre doing, but sometimes you get blind for easy solutions because youre so invested into something.

Heres an example:
My dad is a dev for some program that makes it possible for you to mill artificial teeth out of zirkonium. And he didnt know why his LAN to USB-C adapter wasnt working. He plugged it into every port on the laptop, downloaded every driver he could find and was this close to reinstalling windows. I was there because i was working over the summer there and we had our break together, I walked over and did what ppl like us always do: Do the simplest thing that could work. So first thing I said “just go into the device manager and look if it shows up there” and he went to it over the explorer into the system settings and then via 3 links into the device manager.

I went “dude just type ‘device’ into the windows search bar and it will pop right up” That was the first thing.

The second thing was unplugging the adapter, putting the cable directly into the machine, let it be recognized and plug it into the adapter afterwards. Works like a charm now.

He was so invested into PCs and the problems he encounters on his adventures in the code that is now almost two decades old that he didnt see the simple solutions.

I think its the same here aswell. The devs are so invested into their game that they are simply blind for some things.