Let's have a real discussion about Matchmaking

Is that actually what it does though? Maybe I just missed it, but I don’t recall Blizzard ever actually telling us that it works this way. While it most likely actually does, I’d just like to be able to see it.

Without transparency it could actually be that you are placed randomly initially and then are adjusted from there. Less likely than what you said, but do we actually know?

Real simple. For a team based game pulling random players together, it can not work. It needs to go, they need to issue a public statement admitting its failure and fire those that signed off on using it and implement dedicated servers.

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Dedicated servers like community run servers or servers dedicated to matchmaking?


B cannot work. B is a system for single player teams (like chess or Street Fighter) or for whole pre made teams.

Dedicated servers? I’m pretty sure OW doesn’t use peer to peer…

It would honestly just be annoying, if we all started at 0 SR it would take forever even with an 80% winrate to climb back to diamond, masters or GM, nevermind winning or losing however many games it would just take hours to get back up even with a good winrate.

Also it would mess up a lot of players SR, if we all start there the people lucky enough to have high ranked players on their team would climb where they didn’t deserve to and others would fall where they didn’t deserve to fall due to playing against high rank players, also a plat player can play like a plat but since the enemy team could have masters, they would lose and it would take even longer for them to climb back to their skill rating.

It seems to me it would take a very long time for everyone to climb and fall to where they belong so it doesn’t seem worth it to me.

I wish there was a “holy cow u just whiped out 6 ppl” Sr bonus, some sort of performance tracking dat actually felt like it mastered. Or maybe I just die 2 much a screw up any potential earnings

There is, performance based skill rating (PBSR), gives you more SR based on performance

Dedicated servers run by the community like games have done in the past. This is how communities have formed in games from which the clans popped up from which competitive play come from when the pick up games and clans scrim each other. They also have admins that can deal with unruly players on their servers.

Such systems would require a loosening of A/B’s iron grip (and microtransaction model) on the game so its a highly unlikely to happen.

Yeah but unless ur outperforming ppl in the same rank with the same hero by a lot u don’t get much. It doesn’t take into account how bad or how good ur team is I think. Like saying that guy is an average rower cause his teams boat is going at an average speed with the litle switcheroo of said guy being the only one rowing(I know the analogy is not perfect cause erryone has their individual stats but ur teams performance affect ur own) I myself still die 2 much to see said bonus though but my teams wins are pretty much the same all around and we don’t all put in the same work

OK, you meant community-run dedicated servers. I wouldn’t have any problem with that, personally, but I also think that having them as a replacement for a competitive mode would come with a host of other issues.

You wouldn’t really be able to have an SR system with community-run servers like there is now. You might be able to have competitive games with pre-made groups, but that’s already currently possible with custom games. Someone already could organize a tournament if they wanted to, no community servers needed.

That assumes the SR system isn’t a joke. Also such tournaments. if they ever grew enough that they could potentially be a threat to OWL would find themselves crushed under the considerable weight of Blizzard’s legal team.

The SR system has a lot of problems, but community-run servers wouldn’t solve them.

Even if Blizzard did allow community servers, there’s still nothing preventing them from doing what you said and crushing any servers/tournaments/etc… they want to.

How matchmaker should work (imho) my way starts everyone at the bottom. I think smurfing should be allowed. The ladder should only focus on how high you can get your MMR. If you want to drop down and smurf, the ladder shouldn’t try to stop this imho

This first step to keep players from complaining about matchmaking is make it easy to make friends and play with them.

Solo queuing is a dice roll because grouping with friends (or at least players you are familiar with) is the best way to play.

If you’re playing with your DPS friend who had a bad game, you don’t scream at them and report them for throwing or griefing. You know how they play, and they had a bad game.

If you solo and a DPS player has a bad game, you won’t know it. You just assume they are bad and the mm screwed you over.

Because ranked is not a ladder to be climbed. The SR system purpose is not to let players climb (and i know this will be misconstrued and taken out of context), its to accurately show player’s skill rating and give you as close as equivalent matches as possible. If you win, it reflects that and now puts you in slighly higher game, and vice versa with losses. Players that improve are reflected in the gain of SR and a subsequent climb. If comp was to be a ladder, then the system would need changes (medium to potentially large) such as set gains for wins/losses no matter what, more structured tier list, and other ladder based systems. Overwatch would need to be able to say "This definitively makes a GM player a GM with consistent metrics unlike what we have now, where the SR says “based on these millons of instances beforehand and the output I calculate i believe that this player is 3785.”
The previous systems data is being used because it is always better to have more data than less to no data. ESPECIALLY as a game developer. The game has been out for 3 years and to suddenly throw all that out would be catastrophic as im sure people have said above. Curiously enough, this is where Overwatch 2 could’ve come in handy. Rolling out with 222 lock there and having completely fresh data would essentially have been an MMR reset without ruining matches ad badly as it would now.

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As someone who has gone from sliver to diamond, I believe this is 100% true, especially now. Here’s why:

If competitive Overwatch ranks are represented by a ladder, each rung could represent 100 SR. Attempting to climb out of the 2600s, where I reside, I find that I am going against players 400-500sr higher than me, which involves skipping 4-5 rungs, and that isn’t how a ladder is climbed. You climb a ladder one rung at a time.

If I perform well, very well, one round, I am placed against diamond players the next match, even though I am in the 2600s still. Nothing changed, I played well and won, but the system must think that I gained 250 SR, not 25 SR.

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