Lets give all the supports more defense

Its like asking for Blizzard to deal with “mean people in game”
all the while the tools are already there for the taking…Like mute or disable chat
Much like what you’re asking…The tools are already there to help keep supports mobile
to help keep supports alive…use them

No, what me personally would like… is a nerf to damage on ALL tanks and ALL healers by 25-50%.

dev said it will give more movement or surviveablity in trade for reduced healing / damage

its on twitter lead dev

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No one should have any problem with making support less of a chore and more of something fun. If more players are attracted to the support role, queue times will go down for DPS and tank this is a net positive in the long run. ow1 died because queue times became unbearable and people looked elsewhere for better balance and quicker games. I’m not even suggesting that supports be buffed I’m just suggesting that changes should be made to make playing support more rewarding, impactful and fun. And not just hide from the flanker simulator.

It is still early days for ow2 and now is the time for crazy experimental changes.

I wouldn’t dislike that either, but remember that Overwatch is supposed to be an FPS Moba mix. Because of that, I think its smart to have characters who can both shoot for damage, and perform their roles.

Of course, I’d be fine with nerfing non Damage role damage as long as there’s still high damage dealers in every role. Baptiste, Moira, and Lucio don’t have to deal high damage, but Zenyatta does. Similarly, most tanks don’t need a ton of damage, but Hog and Rein are nothing without their damage. And you KNOW no one would tolerate a buff to his defense even if they took his damage away.

I’m just saying, nerfing damage for everyone but damage heroes could work, but you’d be playing with fire.

What about instead of a blanket reduction in damage you give supports a 15-20% damage threshold that must be reached before the support actually loses health. Kind of like an invincibility frame. It wouldn’t have any effect on ultimate abilities and snipers could break the threshold instantly with a crit but the support is left at 20% health instead of being one shot.

I would also have it so the only way to restore the threshold will be by escaping the fight and triggering the healing passive and not by getting healed by the other support or own abilities.

The result of this would be that the support gets an extra second or two to react to a flanker but doesn’t make the support much harder to kill

  • Hog is now considered a Tank.
    There is no reason for him to still be able to hook + one-shot anyone at all today.
  • Zarya needs a nerf on her beam damage.
  • Orisa should get a reload animation back for like 200+ bullets. She’s way too spammy.
  • Moira should get a damage nerf yet again or a rework on her kit. They did it to Hanzo, they could rework her aswell. Nothing too crazy.
  • Junker Queen should get a name instead of a description.
  • Wrecking Ball too.

After those fixes they could look at other details about other heroes that are underperforming etc etc.

Honestly as a support player, there is nothing about the frequent complaints about support that can’t be solved by simply getting better at the game.

I mean I would agree but this also stands for other roles as well if a new support comes out with another so called get out of jail free card then DPS/tank players should simply get better at the game and learn a way around this ability.

I played in both betas and I enjoyed support immensely but something (new DPS passive) changed that made support much more unpleasant to play. This thread is just theory crafting on ways that can make support enjoyable for the majority of players again. Without reverting the damage passive as we know how adverse blizzard are to backtracking.



Can’t tell if you don’t play support or are just a bad flanker dps.

All o can say is your takes on support continue to be absolutely dreadful and you need to stay away from balance threads.

She has a name it’s Odessa stone.
Ball is named Hammond.
If we keep going with this then tracer should be called Lena, reaper should be called Gabriel, soldier should be called jack, junkrat should be called jamieson etc :joy:

lol, good point :sweat_smile:

Hog was always considered a tank, and tanks have historically done a lot of damage, but low Damage Per Second. These are two different things.

But you’ve fundamentally displayed your misunderstanding of tanks. A tank NEEDS damage because they’re supposed to force enemies into dealing with them. If a tank has a lot of health, but no damage, they’re a minor inconvenience.

Tbh, maybe they should just nerf the counters to Supports.

Then tell them, they just gotta git gud, and use more teamwork.

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The Support Role isn’t going to magically become more popular by spamming “git gud” at them.


Off-tank. Not a main tank. He was picked as a side kick when there was 2-2-2 in a team. He had the one shot combo cuz of it.
They forgot to remove it in 1-2-2 OW2.

I know how Tank works in this game… it’s not like in a MMO i know. But if there ain’t supposed to be any kind of boundries, why not just make Tanks fully fledged power houses? Yes… enough to compete with DPS role. Same goes for Support role?

Point is… obviously there’s a design philosophy here that Tanks and Healers are supposed to do less in that field but it’s not properly defined.
So one match you see a Zarya or Sigma Shattering the roof in a long match.
Other matches you see Specifically Moira as support shattering the roof.

It’s just inconsistent. Random elements in a wannabe competitive game.

Where was the “in trade” part?

you mean like, sleepdart/nade, or mercy movement, or baps self heal/lamp/super jump, or kirko bell and teleport, or zen kick, the list goes on. They have their abilities that work to peel/get away/survive/just straight up kill the enemy; they dont need tank abilities, because thats game breaking, why play any other character when you can just pick a support and do everything.

This is a skill issue, supports need to stop complaining and start learning how to get value on the character. Ignore the trolls blaming you, your the easiest to blame, but honestly i dont even look at supports anymore when it comes to stats, most of yall are so bad you dont understand what your doing wrong, and dont even go looking for the right way to play, jsut complain about the role or other people for your problems.

The fact that tanks mitigate this is part of “the support problem”

Is an off-tank a tank? Are off tanks suddenly not tanks? What does Off tank even mean? To me, it means “Tank meant to complement and synergize with the main tank”. That implies that the off tank will have to tank, too.

You are not acting like it. Your main argument hinges on Roadhog not being a tank because he’s an off tank, right? I know what you think your point is: that Roadhog was an ‘off’ tank and that means he should have been adjusted to be a ‘main’ tank for 5v5.

You haven’t said how they’d do this, but lets ignore that for a moment.

You’re ignoring the fact that Off TANKS still need to TANK for the team, and that every off TANK are already capable of tanking.

You also underestimate the fact that Hog’s style of tanking has been in games for years. He’s what’s known as a “Damage Tank”. He deals damage to force enemies to engage with him, or die. His extra health is what enables him to then tank for his team.

People call him a fat DPS, but really thats incorrect. He doesn’t focus on doing damage per second, he focuses on doing raw damage.

In short, I don’t think you know as much about design philosophy as you think you do.

Do you think movement the answer, or defense ability? I think defense ability would be better; who wants to fight an Ana with mobility?