Let's discuss some possible Orisa changes!

I made a post on the old forums a little after Orisa launched saying that she’s actually not that bad and some quality of life changes were all that she needed. Later Blizzard increased her shield size by 20% and that was good enough for the time. But nowadays I can’t help but feel like she is over-shadowed by Reinhardt. So without further ado here are some ideas to make Orisa more competitive with Rein and raise her skill cap:

  1. Decrease the movement penalty while firing
    Make it more similar to D.va, enough to stop you from shooting all the time but not enough to cripple your mobility. This would make barrier dancing much easier and more powerful as well as help her mobility overall.

  2. decrease shield cooldown to 6 and shield health to 700
    This wouldn’t affect her overall blocking potential but would give her more freedom to shield a flanker while they’re dueling someone, or block a key ability, or a widow who just grappled behind, without leaving her team as vulnerable. This would also help with the ability to keep up with your team.

  3. Either lower fortify’s cooldown and duration, or put it on a meter like Dmatrix
    Similar to my shield changes, the aim of this is make the ability more flexible and reactive, so you can use it to block just a key crowd control ability without having to sacrifice the whole 10 second cooldown

Let’s have a civil discussion below!

I like your proposed changes. They’re a breath of fresh air compared to some other Orisa posters and their ideas for buffs.

The decreased shield timer and shield health would be great for the current state of the game. She needs to be able to put shields down quicker to change positions, and the decreased health is a great compromise.

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Anything but #2. Dear God her shield uptime is already long enough

except the shield uptime wouldn’t change. Like do the math cooldown is down 25% and hp is down 25%

Remove her she’s garbage

translation: “wah I can’t handle people liking different things than me I just want daddy jeff to remove everything I don’t like!”

dude seriously what’s the point of being randomly and vaguely toxic, your “point” is off topic and contains no explanation

I just said she’s garbage because she’s only played on two maps

if she’s not powerful wouldn’t the solution be buffing her to make her more flexible like I am suggesting above?

I actually have no idea how one would buff orisa and actually make her viable in the same way rein or Winston are. She’s just too trash on offense on just about every map and only good on defense ok a few maps/points of maps

She probably needs a complete rework for that kind of viability

Well, this seems to work. Blizzard only does what crybabies want. They think is better to have 3 people happy instead of 500.

I don’t really see her needing any buffs tbh. Rodhog’s buffs indirectly buffed her a ton and she’s definitely usable as a hero.

None of these are QoL btw but are buffs/tweaks. QoL things don’t make a hero better but give otherwise changes.

Really love 3. I think that would be a huge buff to orisa, selectively blocking important high damage output skills.

1, 2, and 3 all seem like really good ideas to me. I do think they should be careful and not implement all of them. None of them are broken though.

In terms of benefit to orisa, 3 > 2 > 1

My own idea is just one.

Passive: increase speed of orisa by 50% when out of combat for 10 sec.

She’s too slow to get to point. You can’t take an hour to get to point in this game

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Her ultimate should have a passive that basically grants allies “Fortify” if they are being boosted. Not the damage resistance, only movement impairing resistance.

Basically, her ultimate should grant CC resistance on top of everything else it does.

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but like 1.7% pick rate when Rein has 12%? I do think she needs buffs to compete with Rein